Entity Outliner

Entity Outliner


Entity Outliner

Updated for 1.19!
Entity Outliner is a clientside mod made with Fabric that allows you to select entity types to outline, making them visible through obstructions within render distance. 
 Gif showing how outlining monsters can reveal caves


Entity Selector

Gif demonstrating use of entity selector

This screen allows outlining of any entity in the game. There's a search bar for narrowing down entities and buttons to organize the results by entity category, deselect all entities, and toggle on/off the outlines. Entities added by other mods appear in the results. The selected entities are automatically saved to a config file. 
The menu is accessible using Mod Menu or a custom keybind.
Controls for toggling the outlines and opening the selector

 Image of the keybind selector for toggling the outlines and selector screen

 Custom keybinds are provided to open the entity selector and toggle the outline. The outline can also be toggled via a button inside the entity selector.


This mod will help with:
  • Finding passive mobs

by outlining them.

Image of outlined bees

  • Finding unlit caves

by outlining zombies/creepers/skeletons/spiders.

Gif showing how outlining monsters can reveal caves

  • Fighting other players

by outlining them.

Image of outlined players

  • Finding your death location

by outlining items and experience orbs.

Image of outlined items and experience orbs

  • Wither skeleton skull hunting

by outlining wither skeletons

Image of outlined wither skeletons

  • Finding mineshafts

by outlining chest minecarts and cave spiders.

Image of outlined chest minecarts

And many more!


1. Install Fabric

2. Drop the Fabric API jar into the mods folder

3. Drop the Entity Outliner (and optionally the Mod Menu) jar(s) into the mods folder


Works with MobZ and Optifine. Let me know if you find any compatibility issues.


MIT. Feel free to use this mod in any modpack.