Entity Culling Fabric/Forge

Entity Culling Fabric/Forge


Incompatible with 1.21.1

ColonalLive opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Version 1.6.6 release is incompatible with 1.21.1.
Just want to express interest for this mod to be updated when you get the chance :)



Workaround until this is fixed:

  1. Extract the jar file
  2. Open fabric.mod.json inside the unzipped directory
  3. Remove the line that contains "minecraft": "1.21"
  4. Rezip the contents (make sure that you don't have a nested directory in the zip!)
  5. Rename the .zip to .jar

or use my file where I already did this:
entityculling-fabric-1.6.6-mc1.21.jar.zip (GitHub only supports .zip files so you have to extract the .jar file!)

Recommended fix for the future from my side:
Instead of depending on a version simply recommend it.
Basically remove this line:

"minecraft": "${minecraft_version_range_fabric}",

And add

	"recommends": {
		"minecraft": "${minecraft_version_range_fabric}"

This doesn't cause a hard crash and instead shows a warning inside the log.


Workaround until this is fixed:

1. Extract the jar file

2. Open `fabric.mod.json` inside the unzipped directory

3. Remove the line that contains `"minecraft": "1.21"`

4. Rezip the contents (make sure that you don't have a nested directory in the zip!)

5. Rename the .zip to .jar

or use my file where I already did this: entityculling-fabric-1.6.6-mc1.21.jar.zip (GitHub only supports .zip files so you have to extract the .jar file!)

Recommended fix for the future from my side: Instead of depending on a version simply recommend it. Basically remove this line:

"minecraft": "${minecraft_version_range_fabric}",

And add

	"recommends": {
		"minecraft": "${minecraft_version_range_fabric}"

instead. This doesn't cause a hard crash and instead shows a warning inside the log.

My release fixes start with 1.21.1 - just download and paste it


There are no major changes, it's like 1.20.5 to 1.20.6, use a dependency override for now


I even changed the files and in them the versions from 1.21 to 1.21.1 but I still have the same problem


On qulit is same problem


I'm not at home currently. Also noteworthy that this only affects fabric(forge/neoforge treat 1.21.1 as 1.21) and that there is no reason or benifit to update clients to 1.21.1. So for now till I have time to roll out updates to all mods, just ignoring 1.21.1 is the solution. (or dependency override/changing the json, if you really want to use 1.21.1 for whatever reason)


No override .json don t work


re is the proof


he screen re is the proof

If you edited the file in Ark, it won't save the changes properly. You need to copy the file to a folder, make the change to 1.21.1 and copy it back into the JAR file.
or use this instead: "minecraft": ">=1.21",