Entity Culling Fabric/Forge

Entity Culling Fabric/Forge


1.16 Forge Moving Elevators visual issue

SatanicHanzoX opened this issue ยท 7 comments


So basically the block interface disapears when i leave the area and come back tried to unistall some performance mods and came to conclusion that it might be the entity culling mod .It might be a entity culling mod bug but im not sure im using Forge 1.16.5 36.2.28 and both mods latest version.

Have a good day!


Update:Adding blocks to whitelist in config doesnt work its still doesnt render when i come back the only thing that works is removing the entity culling mod . Thanks for the help!


Huh, is this forge or fabric? If it's forge the mod author of Moving Elevators should fix the visual bounding box of the block, and as a hotfix you can add the block to the whitelist in the config file.


Hello! Its the forge version the latest for both mods for 1.16.5. Have a great day!


Huh then it's probably more of a logical issue with that mod. Like I said, use F3 to get the block name, and then you can add it in the config file in the config folder to the block whitelist.


Did you restart the game after adding the block? The config will only load once when the game loads. I'll look at it later.


Yes , i restarted my game multiple times no result and checked if i wrote the config corectly.


I'll close this for now as it doesn't seem to be a widespread issue. Newer versions of the mod will handle this better(assuming that the elevator mod has setup the flags correctly).