- 0
Missing Sawmill Recipes
#241 opened by selened - 1
[1.16.5 | 1.1.0] Zombie Villager Texture Missing
#244 opened by Seikikai - 2
Crash Environmental Events
#245 opened by thepriz - 2
Koi "Serenity" Effect prevents wandering trader spawns
#178 opened by DereC4 - 2
Crash with Lord of the Rings mod
#180 opened by bigbull646 - 1
Why is there nothing on the mod on the mod page ?
#185 opened by Krampus69 - 1
Kiln recipes are not faster
#183 opened by hotdog95 - 5
Weird FPS drop
#184 opened by thedeerirty - 2
[1.16.5] Items not cooking quicker in the Kiln
#186 opened by MarioSMB - 3
Enviromental breaks other mods step assist
#188 opened by clmitchell-159 - 1
Compatibility with Fast Leaf Decay
#189 opened by chimericdream - 1
Crashing on client loadup
#190 opened by mightyjaffa12 - 1
Add config for the new armor (boots soulsand highway cause huge performance issues)
#193 opened by TheRealZonko - 2
Architect's Belt levels up when paired with Frost Walker boots
#194 opened by skrollas - 1
broken recipes
#195 opened by 0Navis0 - 0
Plain carpenter houses do not generate
#196 opened by thelegitdolt - 1
Crash when harvesting rice in a debug world
#197 opened by 6-28318530717958 - 2
You should be able to edit which biomes mobs spawn in, in the config files.
#200 opened by TheDinoguy - 1
Bread isn't duck food
#201 opened by Moralle - 1
potential issue involving YUNG's better strongholds/mineshafts
#202 opened by Armokthespideroverlord - 1
What does "Chiseled Black Terracotta Bricks" mean ?
#205 opened by HanlieChina - 1
Environmental village buildings out-compete vanilla buildings, making loot rare
#203 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 1
Kiln Recipe Book
#204 opened - 1
Kiln smelting is 2x more expensive instead of being 2x faster.
#206 opened by zabodan - 1
Giant Lily Pads can not be Silk Touched, Despite being an item in creative mode.
#207 opened by f-raZ0R - 0
Slabfish deletes items when shiftclicking from middle inventory row
#208 opened by SmellyFishHead - 0
Right clicking a backpacked slabfish with a water bucket should prioritize opening the inventory instead of bucketing the slabfish
#209 opened by Not-February - 1
[Quark compat] Wood posts are uncraftable
#210 opened by Not-February - 0
Villagers don't have environmental modid
#212 opened by LavaMunkee - 1
More world gen options
#213 opened by Nekkok - 0
Yak Hair fuel source
#215 opened by Nickolai5232 - 2
Mod will not load with create
#214 opened by ProGoofster - 1
Koi bucket one pixel offset on the Y coordinate
#216 opened by Feranogame - 0
Yak pants code breaks step assist
#218 opened by Xetaxheb - 1
How do i repair the Thief's Hood?
#219 opened by MastuDeBeer - 3
Modded villagers not taking jobs
#220 opened by StrangerSon71 - 2
Wandering boots blocks walked messed up
#221 opened by krohs - 1
Panic buff is a curse when current health is over 10 hearts.
#224 opened by ArmageddonX430 - 0
[1.16.5-1.0.0] Environmental biomes are not compatible with Better Mineshafts and other overhaul mods
#225 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 1
Moving certain animals around creates massive amount of duplicate AI goals
#226 opened by Hubry - 2
Sawmill have broken recipes with Outer End
#227 opened by 0Navis0 - 0
Skeleton wearing Thieves Hood crashes game
#228 opened by TrialDragon - 0
Slabfish crashes Minercaft server
#229 opened by Spartan81302 - 2
Crashes during world-gen
#230 opened by InteJason - 0
Environmental Mud Ball recipe can't use Mekanism fluid tanks
#232 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Cherry Tree leaves are not pink
#234 opened by kevdevrev - 2
The Hood discord issue
#236 opened by blacksythe - 1
issue with squid ink risotto
#238 opened by Wedge1453 - 1
Can't get a chest on slabfish
#239 opened by Tutueti - 0
Improve Config File Content
#240 opened by SKADE98