EoinKanro's More Dimensions

EoinKanro's More Dimensions


More Dimensions

It's a simple mode that automates creation and deletion dimensions on MC server.


It creates necessary files for new dimensions in world/datapacks folder on create command.

And deletes files from world/dimensions and world/datapacks folders on delete command.

Also, if you want to see changes when creating and deleting, you must restart your server.

When creating a new dimension, the generator can use all available biomes, even from mods, except for end and nether.


Admin commands:

  • /moredim create <name> <type> - create mode dimension
    • type random - creates totally random dimension using biomes from mods (can be buggy)
    • type overworld - creates dimension using preset minecraft:overworld
  • /moredim delete <name> - delete mode dimension

User commands:

  • /moredim list - get list of available dimensions for teleportation
  • /moredim tp <name> - teleport to dimension
  • /moredim tp main/overworld - teleport to main map

Possible errors

Error on teleport to random dimension: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Feature order cycle found, involved sources: [Reference{ResourceKey[minecraft:worldgen/biome / twilightforest:dense_mushroom_forest]...

How to solve:

  • Restart the server and call /moredim delete <yourDim>
  • Stop the server
  • Create exclude.json in world\datapacks\moredimensions_dimensions
  • Fill the json as array using biomes from the error. For example: ["twilightforest:dense_mushroom_forest","twilightforest:dark_forest_center"]
  • Start the server and try to create new random dimension
  • Repeat if necessary

Additional Resources:

Community Documentation: https://docs.neoforged.net/
NeoForged Discord: https://discord.neoforged.net/

Helper: https://misode.github.io/dimension-type/ https://misode.github.io/dimension/