*** If you have installed 18.5.3/19.5.3/20.6.2 and the game crashes when you load it, please delete your /config/impactful-common.toml as well as the original mod, and install the latest hotfix version, or manually replace uchigatana with tachi and replace katana with uchigatana in the "weapon_categories_setting" option in impactful-common.toml ***
Modern action games have made many attempts to make player feel the force in every punches. Impactful is one of these attempts brings hit stop and screen shake to Epic Fight.
- Customizable hit stop based on weapon categories or specify with attack animation
- Customizable screen shake based on weapon categories or specify with attack animation
- Customizable screen shake based on block type when player is guarding
- Adding screen shake to every ground slam, like meteor slam, etc.
- Player Only