Epic Fight Integration
This mod adds a few configurable features that allow users and pack devs to make Epic Fight feel more seamless.
Features (All configurable):
- Switch to mining mode while holding shift (default: enabled)
- Switch to mining mode and override EF model while using specified items
- Automatically switch back to battle mode when unequipping an item that triggers Epic Fights "mining auto-switch" config (default: enabled)
- Allow dodge-cancelling parkour moves (default: disabled. Requires Parcool and Epic Compat: Parcool)
- Switch to mining mode and override EF model while gliding (default: disabled. Requires Gliders)
- Switch to mining mode and override EF model while aiming with CGM guns (default: disabled. Requires CGM or CGM: Unofficial)
- Does not override the EF player model on 1.19.2. Use it with Epic Compat: CGM and filter animations set to false in epic fights client config.
- Changes how Parcool's Epic Fight stamina integration works. No longer regenerates while it is being consumed (Requires Parcool and Epic Compat: Parcool).
- Make gliding with Gliders consume stamina. (default: disabled. Requires Parcool and Gliders)
- How much stamina is consumed (default: 10. Requires Parcool and Gliders)
- This mod divides all stamina consumption values by 100, you will want to increase the values in the parcool-client config.