Epic Fight - Rapier Moveset Addon

Epic Fight - Rapier Moveset Addon


So, i was playing my 2 week world on minecraft with epic fight mod, and i said "i wanna play with a rapier", quickly i noticed that there was not a rapier moveset in all the internet for this mod, just "Better Combat" version, so i created it cause i want one, i hope you enjoy it.

Make sure to have always the latest version!!, my programing an version though is only launch a version if its better than the other one with 0 bugs, right now the 0.1.4 its the "final" one, meaning that have all the moveset needs to have done and working, so check if there is a new version every week(not every day) from now!


- A Rapier moveset with own animations.
- 4 Rapier weapons from Iron to Netherite to craft
- A complete new Walk and Idle animations with his cool InnateSkill

- PierceTH and Box, two incredible animators that helped me a lot at the beginning and not that beginning
- Jeredacted, A huge programmer creator of OCC For Epic Fight, make sure to check it out!!
- Akira, A good man that is a designer, helped me in a few things, its a great guy

