This mod adds NBT compatibility to Epic Fight Mod. The Epic Fight weapon type can be deciphered from an item's NBT string property if Epic Fight doesn't already have a weapon type for the weapon. The only confirmed compatibility is Tetra. With some more complex understanding, you can also append your own tags to items in order to make them different weapons (ie. a special diamond sword could be set to be an axe while all other diamond swords are swords). After you launch the world once with this mod, you are able to access the config under `[world_name] -> serverconfig -> epicfightnbt.json`.
You can now use default configs. You can make a default config by creating a file named `epicfightnbt.json` under `defaultconfigs`. This config will be automatically applied to every new world you make.
Includes a default implementation that should make most tetra tools compatible.
Format for the config file
"double/head_left": {
"double/basic_hammer_left": {
"armor_ignorance": 20,
"hit_at_once": 0,
"impact": 4,
"weapon_type": "axe"
"double/basic_axe_left": {
"armor_ignorance": 0,
"hit_at_once": 1,
"impact": 2,
"weapon_type": "axe"
"sword/blade": {
"sword/heavy_blade": {
"armor_ignorance": 0,
"hit_at_once": 1,
"impact": 2,
"weapon_type": "sword"
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