Epic Trees

Epic Trees


Epic Trees Mod provides 20 custom tree designs, including ancient trees, pretty trees, fruit and nut trees, and palms. The mod contains 80 exquisite logs and generally harmonious mix-and-match style planks plus recipes that allow you to craft various blocks that feature the mod wood including buttons, doors, fences, fence gates, planks, pressure plates, signs, slabs, stairs, and trapdoors. Epic Trees contains two complete wood collections, oak, and walnut. The dark variants of each range do not feature signs, as more suitable options are available.

You can buy the tree and palm saplings from Wandering Traders in exchange for diamonds, or emeralds. The oak collection is designed to fully complement the legacy oak planks. Most colors across the color spectrum are available in similar luminosity to the oak planks plus lighter and darker shades.  The walnut collection provides a full range of high-saturation planks across two darkness ranges. All trees and palms are now biome specific, which is how you get the mutant versions.

Finally, leaves in every hue and two darknesses, combined with wild tree designs make for magnificent forests of glorious and intermingled color.