Adds in everyones favorite healing item from dark souls, the legendary bottled fire, the estus flask.
The estus flask holds 5 charges. Each charge heals 4 hearts (2 full hearts) at a time.
Once you use up all your charges, you may notice that your flask is empty. To refill your flask at any amount of charges, right click a campfire while holding the estus flask in hand.
You can upgrade the number of charges by popping your flask into a smithy, and upgrading it with a estus shard.
To craft a new flask, put 3 shards in a bottle pattern. put a lava bucket in the middle, and add a netherite scrap on top.
Estus shards are crafted with one diamond, 3 blaze powder, and one netherite scrap, shapeless.
1.18.2 might be coming soon. idk if I really want to try porting it though
Config for default number of charges / default healing amount
Upgradable healing amount
Better recipes for the flask and shard
Other items. Ring of sacrifice and divine blessing would be fun to add but eehhhhhh I'm not sure.