Et Tu, Brute?

Et Tu, Brute?


The original version of this mod backports Piglin Brutes to 1.16.1, in addition to the 1.16.2 changes to Bastion structure generation, including the Brutes spawning in Bastions. It also adds Zombified Piglin Brutes and options to allow Brutes  to spawn outside of Bastion as well as natural Ziglin Brute spawns.

The newer version for 1.16.2+ currently only adds Zombified Piglin Brutes and options to allow Brutes to spawn outside of Bastions as well as natural Ziglin Brute spawns.

  • Piglin Brutes - can enable them to spawn naturally in Crimson Forests and Nether Wastes (only spawn in Bastions by default, and that's via a structure file)
  • Ziglin Brutes - enable or disable, can enable Piglin Brutes zombifying into them, can enable them to spawn naturally in Crimson Forests and Nether Wastes, can enable them to be vicious to all living creatures like Johnny Vindicators and Zoglins (only zombification spawns enabled by default)

Et Tu, Brute?

Discord: Infamous Misadventures