This is an addon to ProjectE.
This addon requires Hammer Core.
This addon adds integration for ProjectE and lots of other mods. It aims at registering EMC values for different crafting systems such as Draconic Evolution's Fusion Crafting, Avaritia's extreme crafting, and others.
I was playing and streaming my modpack with ProjectE when I realised that lots of mods don't support it. So I thought that bringing support for various mods would be good. I started to work on this project, but I found out that ProjectE custom EMC mappers are hardcoded thus I can't add mine. I used ASM to fix that, and here we go... An addon that allows to add custom mappers. And then I started to implement suppport for different mods.
Though sometimes mods like AE2 don't want to work with ProjectE. Let me explain... I add EMC mappers for stuff like manual grinder from AE2, but, for no obvious reason, it doesn't work. Maybe I'm being a derp, idk.
You can always help me to bring more feautures to Expanded Equivalence. I want to support lots of diferent mods in the future, and if you're a skilled coder, feel free to fork and modify my mod, I'm always open to ideas, and I try my best at responding to everyone!
Thank you for reading this large (relatively) wall of text, if you did! ^.w.^
Now, before any questions will arise, please read the following answers for some questions:
- Q: Why lots of Avaritia's items still don't have EMC?
- A: Infinity catalyst is near (or more than) a billion EMC, and you need quite a few of those, their sum by themselves would exceed integer limit (~2.1 B), or you are using old version of ProjectE and ExpandedEquivalence.
- Q: Why some other mod's primal crafting items (ex. iron ingot) don't have EMC when they sould?
- A: I may be a derp, and I skipped it. Please IM me about this and I'll fix it for next version.
Here you can see all currently supported mods / plans: (❌ - Not Yet Implemented, ✔ - Finished)
Draconic Evolution - ✔
Avaritia - ✔
Actually Additions - ✔
Thaumcraft - ✔
Botania - ✔, Flowers use NBT thus I can't add EMC values to them correctly.
Compact Machines - ✔
Thermal Expansion - ✔
Applied Energistics 2 - ✔ (Partial - Grinder doesn't fully work for some reason)
Astral Sorcery - ✔
Buildcraft - ✔
Industrial Craft - ✔
Forestry - ✔
Immersive Engineering - ✔
Embers - ✔
Mystical Agriculture - ✔
Mystical Agradditions - ✔
Base Metals - ✔
Ender IO - ✔
Tech Reborn - ✔
Calculator - ✔
Extended Crafting - ✔
Blood Magic - ✔
- You can use this mod in your modpack.
- You are not allowed to re-publish this mod to other sites without providing a CurseForge download link and my permission (PM to
Zeitheron, or via Discord)
- You are not allowed to include this (or any other mods of DragonForge team) in your own mod. Building addons, however, is allowed, but a friendly PM would be good.
- The only supported version of minecraft is the latest one that this mod exists for. DO NOT ASK TO DOWNGRADE!
Want to discuss anything? Need help with APIs?
Join the discord server and follow Zeitheron on Twitter!
If you would like to support my work, you can become a patron via Patreon.