


Need Experience? Mine Experience! Craft Experience!

Getting Experience takes so long? Then this is youre solution for you Experience hungry needs. Go mining and collect some nice Priscaline-, Redoxin- and Experienceore. Smelt them in the Furnace and get Priscalinecrystal (from Priscaline Ore), Redoxincrystal (from Redoxin Ore), Experiencecrystal (from Experience Ore). Next craft you some Hardened Experiencecrystals. With them you can craft Compressed Experience. Just place the Compressed Experience Block and mine it with an Iron Pickaxe. You will get so many Experience out of it. IS THAT NOT ENOUGH? Then you can craft Indestructible Experiencecrystals out of Hardened Experiencecrystals. Combine them with Experiencecrystals and you get a Dense Compressed Experienceblock. This thing holds so much more Experience that you can easily enchant all you things that you have.  Watch the Video down below for a greater Overview over the Mod.


  • Added Shards for smelting Redoxin-, Priscaline- and Experienceore (balancing with the increased World Generation)
  • Shards can be crafted to Redoxin-, Priscaline- and Experiencecrystals
  • Increased Ore generation for Ores
  • Fixed the pack.mcmeta file


"Can i use this mod in my Modpack?"

- Yes! But you have to credit me!