Explosive Arrows - for Bows, Crossbows and Dispenser

Explosive Arrows - for Bows, Crossbows and Dispenser

Crafting Recipe - weak

Crafting Recipe - weak

Crafting Recipe for weak Explosive Arrows
Overview Arrows Inventory

Overview Arrows Inventory

Crafting Recipe - normal

Crafting Recipe - normal

Crafting Recipe for normal Explosive Arrows
Animated Logo

Animated Logo

Animated Logo of this Mod
example in game - weak

example in game - weak

example in game - weak
example in game - strong

example in game - strong

example in game - strong
Overview Arrows

Overview Arrows

example in game - normal

example in game - normal

example in game - normal
Crafting Recipe - strong

Crafting Recipe - strong

Crafting Recipe for strong Explosive Arrows