From Bunyan: Tree house building
ScottKillen opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Add items, etc to facilitate building houses in tall trees.
see "Bark"
make it easier to obtain bark early-game than it is to create a shears to get the vines, and use the bark in some way as a ladder much as vines are, so you can climb the tall trees sooner.
maybe make the bark able to be placed on the ground like leaf piles, but only on top of leaves, and if you place a 3X1 row of bark on top of a 3X1 row of leaves, you can sleep on it, so as to give a more natural-look of a bed.
Use the bark in the default recipes of CraftingTable, Stove, Chest, NoteBlock, Dispenser, CDPlayer(cant remember what this is called in game), doors, pressure plates, etc, to give a more outdoorsy-look to any of the above tools (new textures that look better suited to a treehouse) while maintaining vanilla functionality.
Perhaps have the bark act relatively liek glass-panes, in that four in a square would have a hole in the center you could climb up, but from the outside, would appear to be a regular 2X2 tree.
Something for tree houses would be rope ladders and bridges. For bridges combining planks or logs with rope. Maybe furniture using blocks made from bark, planks and rope to make it look more rustic since most of the furniture mods make things appropriate for houses not a tree house. Maybe boards that could be attached to the tree so that it can be climbed.
Tire swings using rubber and rope that could be hung from a branch. A hammock made from rope that could be attached between trees or poles that could serve as a bed. Rope/pulley system with a crate or box to load things into and be pulled up/lowered or attached between trees used as an elevator for people or supplies. Lanterns or other types of lights that would be appropriate for a tree house.