- 4
Redwood grief
#390 opened by Ghostlyr - 5
Register planks and wood in OreDictionary
#391 opened by Adaptivity - 1
Few missing names
#392 opened by Adaptivity - 1
Hardcoded localization
#393 opened by Adaptivity - 1
Red Rock Bricks Slab missing
#394 opened by VladimirMangos - 0
Redwood, Fir not dropping logs?
#396 opened by allaryin - 3
Config File gets reset
#400 opened by SanAndreaP - 0
Disable Village Spawning in Certain Bioms by Default
#401 opened by Annysia - 0
Fix treecapitator working on Redwood trees
#402 opened by Annysia - 1
Scarecrow does not have a unique entity id
#403 opened by ScottKillen - 7
Update to Forge 1224
#409 opened by Adaptivity - 2
Crash at initializing
#410 opened by CubeWrench202 - 1
Crash with Project E
#416 opened by brendan-timmons - 0
Update the IC2 API spec.
#415 opened by ScottKillen - 4
Old Style Redwood Trees fail to generate properly
#417 opened by MrMFretwell - 1
Creative tab crash when scarecrow disabled
#418 opened by allaryin - 6
Uncredited donor
#419 opened - 2
Disabling Crops Crash
#420 opened by jjc54 - 3
Crash when clicking search tab in creative with ExtrabiomesXL installed with TiC-Tooltips.
#423 opened - 2
Naked biomes (Redwood)
#424 opened by Maokuma - 0
Wiki 404 links on main page, simple fix provided
#426 opened by mazeTemporal - 7
Extrabiomes XL overrides Cauldron and FastCraft optimizations
#428 opened by Vekseid - 3
Crash on game launch resulting from failure to register biomes
#430 opened by Morvelaira - 0
Need to update Thaumcraft API
#432 opened by bspkrs - 5
Having tick lag when decorating "Temperate Rainforest" biome
#435 opened by utoc - 6
Crash with last versions Forestry unstable
#436 opened by Neuromantix - 2
Crash with EBXL 3.16.3 & Factorization 0.8.97
#439 opened by xeronut - 1
Buildcraft and IC2 integration outdated
#440 opened by Adaptivity - 1
EssentialCraft and ExtraBiomes conflict
#441 opened by 1skandar - 14
Gloriosa Vine Is Missing.
#442 opened by Xjela - 2
Vienminer and EBXL conflict
#443 opened by Scratchman - 4
Server crash - ItemNewSappling
#444 opened by JasonMcRay - 2
EBXL flowers aren't treated as normal flowers to some mods (Botania's Horn of the Wild)
#445 opened by ariosos - 0
Look into way to deactivate a deployed scarecrow
#447 opened by allaryin - 1
Unable to fully disable dyes
#446 opened by allaryin - 2
[1.7.10] Recipe issue w/ Extra Utilities + DragonAPI
#448 opened by dirtyfargo - 1
Potential conflict with Twilight Forest
#449 opened by theblackwidower - 2
What would be required to update to 1.10.2?
#450 opened by GuardedAirplane - 0
[1.7.10] Rainbow Eucalyptus trees destroy machine blocks
#452 opened by kayila - 0
[1.7.10] Rainbow Eucalyptus trees do not work in a MFR planter
#453 opened by kayila - 0
#454 opened - 0
Alpine ID not configurable [1.7.10-3.16.4]
#456 opened by Meowdoleon - 0
Wiki-Images missing
#457 opened by Petschko - 1
Biomes do not generate
#380 opened by allaryin - 1
Trees do not bonemeal
#381 opened by allaryin - 0
Biome weights are hard coded
#383 opened by allaryin - 7
Biomes are not decorated
#382 opened by allaryin - 2
Extreme Jungle Lag and Extreme generate. (src code 05/08/0214)
#386 opened by MrBretze - 2
RedWood Forest
#387 opened by MrBretze - 0
Planting strawberries crashes client
#388 opened by allaryin