Hardcoded localization
Adaptivity opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Latest hardcoded localization:
- BlockCustomSapling.java line 512
- BlockNewSapling.java line 437
- LogTurner.java lines 96-97
- ItemScarecrow.java lines 98-99
- ItemKneeLog.java lines 29-31
- ItemNewQuarterLog.java lines 31-33
Should be moved into .lang file.
Thanks for the spot, I also noticed that ItemPaste was not localized. If you find anything else that I missed feel free to give me a shout.
The localization support was added after the initial tests with the tool tip description had already been in place, and I originally wrote the code for the failed v4 branch and then back ported it and it seems a few things were missed.