- 2
Leaves do not update the world around them when they despawn.
#300 opened by JLBShecky - 1
Update the sapling bonemeal event.
#301 opened by JLBShecky - 0
Self planting saplings - Balancing
#302 opened by JLBShecky - 1
Update biome tree/plant spawning.
#303 opened by JLBShecky - 1
Re-add Scarecrow code to scare mobs.
#304 opened by JLBShecky - 0
Add knee blocks for Bald Cypress and Rainbow Eeucalyptus
#305 opened by JLBShecky - 0
Crafting recipes for all the new logs, and their planks.
#306 opened by JLBShecky - 1
Add horses to spawn creatures lists.
#307 opened by JLBShecky - 0
Add support for Better Grass & Leaves
#308 opened by JLBShecky - 0
Add textures for Better Grass & Leave Mod support
#309 opened by JLBShecky - 0
Correct texture rotation on elbow log.
#310 opened by JLBShecky - 10
Forestry bindings cause crash on load
#313 opened by k1c14k - 1
#327 opened by Annysia - 1
Update treecapacator support
#328 opened by JLBShecky - 2
Flowers for existing Biomes
#317 opened by Annysia - 0
Woodlands Biome Coloring
#318 opened by Annysia - 1
Bald Cypress
#319 opened by Annysia - 1
#320 opened by Annysia - 1
Japanese Maple Leaf Blocks
#321 opened by Annysia - 8
Rainbow Eucalyptus and Bald Cypress Saplings Self Planting
#322 opened by Annysia - 0
Rotated New Quarter and Elbow/Knee Logs Can't be Crafted
#323 opened by JLBShecky - 1
Log Turner Consistancy
#324 opened by JLBShecky - 0
Add /ebxl killtree here
#325 opened by JLBShecky - 0
Decorator settings not being kept by settings file.
#326 opened by JLBShecky - 1
Wiki TP update
#334 opened by HanPrower - 0
Config File
#335 opened by Annysia - 1
Forestry Plugin Needs Updating
#337 opened by artdude543 - 2
Any chance for a backport to 1.5.2 from the current 3.14.1 version?
#339 opened by Unrepentant-Atheist - 5
Scarecrow can't be killed
#341 opened by Annysia - 1
Horses spawn in Mountain Ridge biomes
#343 opened - 7
Rainbow Eucalyptus and Bald Cypress Elbow and quarter logs can't be smelted in the furnace
#344 opened by Annysia - 5
LogTurner support with OreDictionary support
#346 opened - 2
Compatability issue
#349 opened by Epichunter12 - 4
Integration with Alternate Terrain Generation 0.9.1 (ATG)
#350 opened by AnodeCathode - 2
Suggestion: Deep Oceans and big,deep Lakes
#351 opened by CurePindal - 1
Autumn Logs are crafting into oak slabs and stairs
#352 opened by AnodeCathode - 2
Red- / firnwood create oakstairs in 3.14.2
#353 opened by Jugg3rV - 2
Old configuration detection and upgrading.
#355 opened by JLBShecky - 1
Ocean ideas
#358 opened by endguy14 - 4
new villages
#359 opened by endguy14 - 3
Tropical biomes
#360 opened by endguy14 - 1
Biome Idea/Everglades biome
#362 opened by endguy14 - 3
Tooltips Localization
#367 opened by TheVikingWarrior - 1
Creative Commons recommends against using CC licenses for software
#368 opened by sethwoodworth - 2
Scarecrow and Blizz (ThermalExpansion) Crash
#369 opened by Morok91 - 1
Crash with ExtraTiC
#370 opened by asiekierka - 3
Bug with strawberry plants [3.15.3]
#371 opened by eanataw - 1
Compatibility With Thaumcraft
#372 opened by luckywarp - 6
Forestry Integration Fermenter Balance
#374 opened by Bunsan - 3
1.7.10 Port ETA
#376 opened by asiekierka