


Flowers for existing Biomes

Annysia opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Please add these flowers to what are already in the biome:

Birch Forest - Buttercup, Hydrangea, Calla Lily
Forested Hills - Calla Lily, Hydrangea, Japanese Maple Shrub
Forested Island - Calla Lily, Hydrangea, Buttercup
Green Hills - Hydrangea, Japanese Maple Shrub
Green Swamp - Calla Lily
Meadow - Buttercup, Hydrangea, Calla Lily, Lavender
Mini Jungle - Calla Lily
Mountain Desert - Tiny Cactus
Mountain Ridge - Tiny Cactus
Pine Forest - Buttercup, Hydrangea, Calla Lily
Rain Forest - Calla Lily
Redwood Forest - Buttercup, Hydrangea, Calla Lily
Redwood Lush - Buttercup, Hydrangea, Calla Lily
Savanna - Buttercup, Lavender
Shrubland - Buttercup, Lavender
Temperate Rain Forest - Buttercup, Hydrangea, Calla Lily
Woodlands - Buttercup, Hydrangea, Calla Lily


We may need to rebalance the spawn rates of flowers, although this may be albe to wait till v4 as the current flower generation system needs a major overhaul.


Also, the Japanese Maple Shrub technically falls under tree generation not flow generation.