


Bug with strawberry plants [3.15.3]

eanataw opened this issue ยท 3 comments


First of all, I can't give myself the strawberry item using the /give command. In the default config, its ID is set to 2322 but Minecraft says there is no item with that number when I try the command. I cannot pick the plant block using the middle mouse button either, it acts as if there is nothing in that block at all.

Secondly, when attempting to harvest strawberry plants, whether they were naturally spawned or grown, they will only drop strawberries when the block beneath them is broken. The plant itself, when broken, does not drop strawberries, and instead the plant instantly respawns, except it changes texture, having white berries instead of red ones.

One cannot break either variation of this plant at all, as it instantly reappears after being broken. The only way to remove the plant is to break the block beneath the plant.

It should be noted that all of this was observed while in creative mode and with only EBXL installed, along with Forge version 965.


Yes, we are aware that the plants can't be broken. We wanted to get the plant into the last release, for test purpose of our new crop system. It will be fixed in the next release so the plant can be broken. You can left click the plant to harvest the berry, which then resets them to an earlier stage of growth and they then "ripen" back to red over time, when they can be picked again.

I was in creative mod, searched for the item on the creative tab and then clicked on the item and was able to give myself the strawberry, the strawberry seeds and the chocolate strawberry. You get the seeds by placing the strawberry in the crafting grid. 1 strawberry = 1 seed packet. The seeds can then be planted on tilled dirt and grown. They are then able to be picked without losing the plant so that you can harvest them as a renewable food source, you just have to let them get "ripe" again.

When you are in creative mode you can't harvest the berries. You get the animation but no berry. This is something we will look at changing in the next release. If you are not in creative mode they harvest just fine.


Ahh, OK. Most of my concern with the issue was the fact that they couldn't be broken without breaking the block beneath, which I find to be a little irritating. Good to hear that it's being worked on though.
Thanks for your prompt reply!


No problem. =)

We were wanting to test out the growth stages when grown from seeds and after being harvested in the wild, so we put them in before we had everything fully tested on them. We have an issue open on Gitlab to fix the plant not being able to be broken, scheduled for the next release.