


Suggestion: Deep Oceans and big,deep Lakes

CurePindal opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello Gentlefolks!

Since the oceans have been added I hoped for some support for deeper Oceans for those builders that like to build this fancy underwater towns.

And after Ive re-discovered the updated Coral Reef mod in combination with Extrabiomes Im even more craving for deeper water!

So I beg you, dear devs, consider adding deeper oceans and bigger lakes!
Thank you.


We have ocean biomes planned as you can see by Issue 76:


We are also hoping to add more realistic rivers and lakes in v4 as well. However, until we can see what Forge will be doing in 1.7 we can't say for sure how much of this can be changed. If it is possible then we will be working on adding things like that with it all being configurable, as it is now, for those that don't want specific biomes, such as a deep or bigger ocean.


This is being covered in the oceans biome document.

Thanks for the suggestion and interest.