


new villages

endguy14 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


It would be cool to see new villages with different buildings and custom blocks. If there could be a config for how common villages are that would be good too.


To my knowledge as it stand now unless we created a completely custom village generator or got some changes pushed to forge itself, this is not something that would not be all that possible without breaking compatibility with other mods that do stuff in villages, although bspkrs would better know than I would. Although one might be able to do it via a "core" mod.


I do not know that we want to create completely new villages. There are mods such as Millenaire that already do that, although we might look at adding structures of some sort in the future. As Shecky said, we want to remain compatible with as many mods as possible. We do have plans on adding our own villager and a building for him in the NPC villages, similar to how mods like Forestry add the bee keeper villager or Thaumcraft adds the magician villager.


Yes thats what i meant. we would add to the villages and make them more fun to explore and new buildings and such to add more adventure to the game. maybe npc ruins,and cities could be something to add as well.


We are looking at many upgrades to vanilla villages as well as adding our own villager. We are also looking into the possibility of adding ruins.

Thanks for your interest.