Register planks and wood in OreDictionary
Adaptivity opened this issue ยท 5 comments
I'll have to take a look at it after work tonight. As I don't have a full MC setup up and running at the moment.
Unless something changed in how forge handles the ore dictionary in 1.7, EbXL registered planks in the ore dictionary here: https://github.com/ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL/blob/master/src/main/java/extrabiomes/module/fabrica/block/BlockManager.java#L67
And it registers logs throughout: https://github.com/ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL/blob/master/src/main/java/extrabiomes/handlers/BlockHandler.java
Unless you are seeing something that I am not then I'll have to mark this no an issue.
It's strange but it is not displayed in-game using NEIplugins.
http://i.imgur.com/pKEB8iM.jpg (ExtrabiomesXL)
http://i.imgur.com/o1NfQaw.jpg (BiomesOPlenty)
but stairs for example working clean -> http://i.imgur.com/AYMLKbR.jpg
Tested on Forge 1208.
Ok I just check things out on my end with a quick custom build that added oredictionary info to the items, similar to how NEIPlugins does it, and I it is showing they everything is working fine.
That being said I build against forge recommended, but there is nothing in the forge commit logs that touch the oredictionary, so that should not be the reason for the inconsistency. I am assuming that you are using the unofficial 1.7 port of neiplugins since as near as I can tell the official one has not updated. My best guess is that the unofficial port is not properly handling all of our classes as they are being registered and are actually there. The simplest way to check to see if our planks are being properly registered with the ore dictionary is to try to use them to craft a workbench. If you can craft a workbench using them then they are in the oredictionary.