From Bunyan: Add uses for saplings
ScottKillen opened this issue ยท 5 comments
In a mod called "Bunyan" that centers around wood and its uses, should saplings have more uses? Please offer your comments and suggestions.
First one's easy---be used in any Forestry usage instances.
@harley9699 - Yes. and currently Extrabiomes does that (except for the fermenter, which is coming) so any saplings introduced here will as well.
Cool (fermenter implentation too) IC2 plantballs?
My only other thought is torches somehow. Without Forestry and IC2, I just plant saplings :)
Somehow if combined with bark and something else to create a potted plant type block that is 2 high, for decoration.
How about "Bonsai" trees? Grow a sapling in a bucket, turn it into a mini-tree for decorations.
Work with wood buckets, if possible. (Bowls?)
- love the idea of lattice, I would say the recipe should involve 1 fence piece as lattice grows on a trellis in almost all common uses RL.
- bring sapling compatibility into forestry and other tech mods, forestry can create bio fuel out of unused saplings, and IC2 can use spalings in the making of bio matter.
Sapling compatibility in Forestry and IC2 are part of the next official release.
We've got paper discussion elsewhere. While I'd prefer to get wood-based paper from logs, both thematically and for the sake of Mystcraft's wooden tendrils, I think that chipping/pulping saplings bears consideration.
Merged with #105: From Bunyan: Add bark harvesting
How about using them to make a building material?
4 saplings = 1 lattice
Lattice places like glass panes
different saplings produce differently colored lattice (single Block ID meta-data for colors)
Real world example: http://imageshack.us/a/img87/3349/lattice.png