


Restore Biome Appearance

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The biome appearance has varied a lot with updates, as you can see from this album of all the biomes from previous versions (that I worked on (ignore Ice Wasteland. That was a bad day)):


I prefer the appearance of these better, so I'm going to download the code from EBXL 1.0 and attempt some restoration (although some changes I do like better).

May I please have some feedback on the subject from Scott and ExtrabiomesXL players?


Unfortunately I never got to play Ice Wasteland biome when it just Ice as I didn't download til after it had been changed to snow, but I'd've quite liked to have seen what it played like as a proper ice biome.

In terms of most of the others I can't actually see that there has been a great deal of change! Although I have never seen a true forested islands biome, whenever I had seen them they've been in the middle of continents!


I'm going to leave the Ice Wastelands as they are now, because ice blocks are hideous. Trust me.

I can understand how it'd be hard to see change in these. But compare the biomes in that album to the biome list on our wiki here on GitHub. In my opinion it is better... I've been playing a lot of Minecraft recently with ExtrabiomesXL, and the way it is now has been slightly bugging me.


I can totally understand about the ice blocks. Even trying to walk on short stretches can be frustrating at times especially when trying to fight skellies!


I say this is long overdue. ๐Ÿ˜„


I have been playing with ExtraBiomesXL for quite some time. I have looked thru all the pictures that you posted and to be quite honest...other than the textures being different from what I use...and the Ice Wasteland having ice blocks, I am not seeing any differences other than a few items like flowers and leaf piles are in the current version but not in the images you posted. The ice and snow areas I don't pay much attention to because in general I dislike snow/ice/cold biomes be it from ExtraBiomes or Vanilla and stay out of them completely unless I am taking care of my bee hives.

I'm sorry I can't provide more feedback for you...I simply am not seeing a difference.


@ScottKillen Yay! I'll get this setup, then.

@Annysia That's alright! No worries. :)


I think I have a unique position here, as someone who actually came into the mob much more recently, compared to everyone else who's had the chance to see things change. To me, the new versions seem just fine. Moreover, they're familiar...which I think is going to be an issue for at least some recent adopters. They'll naturally prefer what they know best, if it was at all good to begin with. What I think would be great, is to have old and new versions both, and give players an option between "Classic" and "Neo" style biomes, or even using both (with biome names appropriately prefixed).


@AnonTheMouse MisterFiber's changes are going to appear subtle. (See his screenshots) Some things have changed simply as a result of changing architectures, etc. because the baseline didn't rest with me and so I couldn't fine tune things and preserve fidelity.

We won't preserve the ability to keep the old versions--but the good news is that the future timeline holds a feature that will allow people to edit a text file to configure aspects of the biomes themselves...meaning that options for configuration on a micro level are coming relatively soon.


@AnonTheMouse I'm glad that you find the changes too subtle to notice. I was worried people would find it too big a shock, but it seems to be quite the opposite. :)