Add fallen trees to world gen as appropriate
ScottKillen opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Will fallen trees only generate in biomes that have trees?
Are they more common in densely forested places like jungles vs barren biomes like savhanna?
Are the fallen trees made from wood appropriate to the biome they inhabit?
Can you only have small fallen trees or will redwood/jungle trees be a fallen tree feature?
Should the wood instead be called "deadwood" which without silktouch breaks into sticks when harvested?
Are there freshly fallen trees that arn't all deadwood? is the dead wood only where the "break" in the truck occured?
Are their stumps from where the tree snapped and the roots remained? (more prudent for huge trees)
How would you "path" a large fallen tree during generation in a jungle biome? (for example)
Once the forge terrain gen hooks are in place, we will have an available hook to generate fallen trees before live trees are placed, then live trees will be filled in over and around it. Each current live tree will have a fallen counterpart that will be used so that the fallen trees are biome appropriate. It may be possible to increase frequency of fallen trees along biome borders with wastelands/deserts/snow regions.
I have thought some about deadwood...but have not given it a tremendous amount of thought. It certainly sounds like a good idea, along with some kind of dead leaf.
all sounds good! the only reason I mention deadwood is purely immersion factor, so if function > than form. then dead wood shouldn't be implemented.