


Biome or Terrain Feature?

DanZilla90 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


As Terrain Generation is going to be added as a feature I thought it might be good to look at some of the Biomes, Biome Suggestions and some new ideas and classify them more specifically.

Marsh was discussed and classified as a Terrain Feature. Issue #125

I'd suggest we need a name for Biome Groupings (Ice, Oceans, desert, forested, etc.) and groupings of terrain features that frequently go together. ( marshes, river deltas, quicksand )

What I'm thinking of is world creation that has the possibility of grabbing either a Biome Group or an individual biome depending on various weighting assigned to each. This allows for including or excluding various biomes as much as you'd like or, using a limited biome list for initial world creation and changing the settings for new biomes discovered after creation.

You'd have World/Dimension, then Biomes/Biome Groups then assign Terrain based on frequency of that terrain feature (or group of features) appearing within that Biome.

This was all being typed with the thought happening organically as i go along so please let me know if it makes sense or if it's the ramblings of a madman...


all sounds in line with other discussions we are having behind doors for the future. It's not being openly discussed due to still being on the drawing table. Scott can we close this one?


Thanks Keybounce we will get you in on the info once Scott has settled in his plans and wants to present it


๐Ÿ˜„ It vaguely resembles mad ravings, but it is still a very good idea,

Thanks a lot, Dan!


Danzilla90 from the Guildwars2 forums? I like the idea of putting issues into categories...I think it would make it easier to find something or for people to see if something is already being worked on.


I'd suggest we need a name for Biome Groupings (Ice, Oceans, desert, forested, etc.) and groupings of terrain features that frequently go together. ( marshes, river deltas, quicksand )

What I'm thinking of is world creation that has the possibility of grabbing either a Biome Group or an individual biome depending on various weighting assigned to each. This allows for including or excluding various biomes as much as you'd like or, using a limited biome list for initial world creation and changing the settings for new biomes discovered after creation.

The question of "What goes on in minecraft land generation" was asked, and answered. It's an interesting read.

Quick summary: The land is created at a large scale (one pixel = about 256 blocks), and then zoomed in, with adjustments along the way.

Among the things done, some areas are made ocean, some areas are made "frozen", and other areas are made "the rest".

It would not be hard to extend that. Whether such grouping is a good idea or not is a different question.


As far as a good idea I think it would depend on what type of world the players would enjoy or are looking for. I'd read that breakdown on world-gen and it works good, to a certain extent, but doesn't seem to have as many guidelines as it could (or should)

I know we've previously talked about Climate and Humidity for the various Biomes and a third difference would be soil-type if we want to take it that far.

As far as what Biomes work together (or don't) is concerned I don't think we want to create a real world so much as making sure that the changes are as gradual or abrupt as is wanted. Climate and Humidity for each biome allow for more logical groupings but there should still be the possibility for an extreme or bizarre conjunction in rare occasions. I want to see a jungle hidden within a rift (or crater) in the center of a Tundra.

I could see world-gen happening in the following (overly simplified) order...

Blank World is created
basic terrain is assigned
Biomes assigned to appropriate terrain
Terrain Features assigned
Structures added
Ore generation based on Terrain, Biome and Structure combinations
Flora, Fauna, decoration placed as is appropriate


You are right Dan. I actually have some offline specs that I have not shared yet that are in line with your thoughts.