


Additional items and recipes

ScottKillen opened this issue ยท 26 comments


Based on comments in issue #12, add new items and recipes...perhaps involving other mods

For example:

Cattails - craft to roots, heads and stalks

Uses for these items can be gleaned from the wiki article.


Moved main ideas to other issues and closed this one.


Just checking ... how many of your new plants and saplings can be used as furnace fuel? (All standard saplings do).

Hmm ... sapling dictionary? :-)


All saplings can be, @keybounce.


Assuming this is where we post suggestions for new items/recipes:

-Wool interacting with your new plants in one of two ways: A: new wool colors that are close to your plants, B: Your plants making easier to craft recipes for the dyes of current wool colors
-Compost? Burn any of your plants in the top of a stove to turn them into compost, which is basically bonemeal, but it has the ability to spawn any of the new vegetation rather than just tall grass, red, and yellow flowers
-Quicksand can be baked into sand?



@maruchan Our colored plants can currently be crafted into the appropriate color dyes. Also, bonemeal does currently spawn our flowers along with the vanilla ones.

I like the compost and quicksand ideas!


Are they just rarer than normal flowers? I specifically logged in on my modded server and tried and it only gave me the vanilla results. and oh cool @ the color dies, didn't know that. :P


Hmm...I will investigate...


Oh you're right. i tried with more bonemeal and i got a few. it's just rarer than i expected. :)


@maruchan I will look into updating the settings...I set them on low frequency initially, I think because they had no practical use at the time.


I am thinking of allowing buckets to pick up QuickSand and then using those to craft something new like concrete, which would behave similarly to industrialcraft's construction foam


Small Cacti when placed in the crafting area should give out "Cactus Green" dye
How would QuickSand turn into Concrete? (Unless you were using that as an example)


I was thinking the Small Cacti would behave like flowers do, It wouldn't be a farmable resource so it would balance it out with mods what use Cactus Green.

And pretty nifty idea for the Cement.


Small Cacti when placed in the crafting area should give out "Cactus Green" dye

Should they be cooked like vanilla cactus?

How would QuickSand turn into Concrete? (Unless you were using that as an example)

  1. Gather quicksand in a bucket
  2. Craft "Uncooked QuickStone" by adding 8 water buckets...
  3. Cook Uncooked QuickStone bucket to get QuickStone powder...which also doubles as dark grey dye in a pinch
  4. Mix QuickStone powder in a bucket with some water to produce a bucket of QuickStone
  5. Pour QuickStone where you want it...wait for it to set

Maybe do something similar with dirt? Dirt is one of those abundant yet useless resources, maybe like mix dirt with water for mud, cook the mud into some form of a brick that is a newish type brick or something?


@maruchan interesting!


Alright, what can be done with cement?

Ohh ... idea:

You pour it, and it starts as a liquid. It flows to the bottom of a drop, and hardens there.
Give it the same flow range and mechanics as lava. Modify it to seek the farthest range it can flow to.

If, for example, you have a drop shaft and a "landing area", lava would normally flow out towards a drop, and move 4 (?) spaces. Pour several bukkits of quickstone down, with a pause between each, and they will flow out to form a ring at the limit of the lava's spread. Now you can pour the lava down, and it will be contained on the bottom.

In fact, even better idea: Give it one space less flow than Lava. So this is a way to constrain the lava that you pour before you pour it.

Bricks from dirt / clay: I like this. I normally use a ClaySoil style mod for 18% clay instead of dirt (was supposed to be in addition to dirt, but that never worked). Works out to be about 3 clay blocks (12 balls) per stack of dirt. I'm in the group that says vanilla MC doesn't have enough clay to work with. A way to turn dirt into clay would be really nice.

I'm thinking that water plus dirt gives mud, and mud can be baked into clay.

Now, how about new types of dirt? Clay rich, clay medium, clay light. Clay light counts as 1, medium as 2, rich as 4. Put 3 water buckets, and enough soil to have a clay count of 6, get one mud ball. Clay count 12, get two mud balls.

That way, 3 water plus 6 light clay soil gives one ball. Or, 3 water and 3 rich give two balls.

Mud balls can be baked into clay balls; clay balls bake normally into bricks.

The different soil types could have other properties. Grass would spread faster on light clay, slower on heavy clay. Plants would grow better on medium clay. (Includes bonemeal-ing, as well as normal growth of crops and trees).

And that ... implies that farmland would track which type of dirt it came from, and you'd have three different types of dirt stacks.

Wow, I think that just broke the mod API :-). This is going to the mod API ideas thread.


@keybounce Nice ideas!

I don't quite follow you description of quickstones flow behavior...but it is OK. I think I have already worked that part out.


Ahh. What I mean is this:

Lets say I have a drop shaft. I could pour lava down. It would spread 5 spaces; all directions if flat, or toward a drop if not flat.

So lets say, for example, that there is a drop. And the drop is 5 spaces. Lava would flow, find the drop, drop down, and continue.

But if Quickstone only flows 4 spaces, it will flow to the edge of the drop, and then stop, and solidify there. A second bukkit would find a different path to the drop, stop, solidify. Keep pouring, and a ring will fill up the path that lava could flow, and then lava can be poured down, and have a nice little pool.

So this differs from existing fluid flows: It chooses only one of the paths that it could flow to, rather than all of the paths it can flow to. But by pouring multiple times, you fill the multiple paths.


I'm with Scott, I don't understand the cement flow behavior, but I've never used cement in the mods he is basing his idea off of either, so i figured I would wait and be amazed. I love the way you fleshed out my dirt idea, and am totally 100% on board with it. I love the clay rich etc permutations of soil aswell, maybe instead of clay medium is best for farming, just say the more clay-rich the soil is, the quicker crops (melons,pumpkins,wheat,etc) can grow in it, and after every few crop-growths it loses a level of clay-richness.


@maruchan All very interesting!


My thoughts about medium clay being best is based on what I understand about real life gardening, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Too little clay means too little drainage.
Too much clay means too little nutrients.

So medium clay should be best.

Cement flow.

So to clarify: When a liquid like lava flows, it will try to flow to a location. And it will spread -- if it has multiple places to go to, it will try to flow to all of them.

So the first way this differs: It will flow to one of the options when there is an option. Chosen at random (needed to actually work as expected -- round robbin would probably be better, but probably not actually doable.)

The second is range. One less than Lava means that it can flow to form a lava barrier


I once had an idea for tar pits, that would be used to create "Asphaltum", the ancient word for asphalt (yes, ancient cultures has asphalt). The talk of cement is reminding me of that. I'll put my concept work down on the MC forum thread.


Thought I had. Dyable leather gear made it into the vanilla game to help ease team play. Is there any way we could hijack that system for our own uses, such as adding in a recipe for varnish that could be applied to other armours, or wood stains? More pressingly, would this be something worth the effort needed to pursue it...especially as it is tangential to the core focus of the mod?


There are several mods that add wood stain already, and while it certainly isn't my decision, are we sure we would want to do that too? With armor...they already have colors based on the material they are made from...unlike leather or wool which is always the same color to start with. And many armors such as the ones from Pam's mod have multiple colors in one piece so I am curious as to what effect that would have since that's one of the reasons I like the armor from her mod so much. Would it change it from being multiple colors to just one?


Well, specific mods would need to have their own support if it was going to work with them. Mainly, I'm thinking about vanilla gear, where we could do like the leather armour, with a base colour design that remains visible regardless of the dyed colour.