I am attempting to build the source code
Opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I tried building the source code for extrabiomesxl and I continuously get this error. I know it's fairly old but I'm still on the version for 1.2.5. Thanks for any help
-------------------------------- Building ExtrabiomesXL ------------------------
Backing up src
Overwrite C:\Users\X\Desktop\aa\src-bak\minecraft\fmlversion.properties (Yes/N
o/All)? a
2343 File(s) copied
Copying client source
Overwrite C:\Users\X\Desktop\aa\src\minecraft\extrabiomes\ColorizerExtraBiomes
.java (Yes/No/All)? a
34 File(s) copied
Overwrite C:\Users\X\Desktop\aa\src\minecraft\mcmod.info (Yes/No/All)? a
136 File(s) copied
Copying server sources
Overwrite C:\Users\X\Desktop\aa\src\minecraft_server\extrabiomes\EntityScarecr
ow.java (Yes/No/All)? a
11 File(s) copied
Overwrite C:\Users\X\Desktop\aa\src\minecraft_server\mcmod.info (Yes/No/All)?
136 File(s) copied
== MCP 6.2 (data: 6.2, client: 1.2.5, server: 1.2.5) ==
Searching for javac.exe in C:\Program Files
found jad, ff, jad patches, ff patches, osx patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs
, param csvs, astyle, astyle config
== Recompiling client ==
Cleaning bin
'"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\javac" -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -
source 1.6 -target 1....' failed : 1
src\minecraft\forestry\api\liquids\LiquidContainer.java:12: error: cannot find s
public LiquidStack liquid;
symbol: class LiquidStack
location: class LiquidContainer
src\minecraft\forestry\api\liquids\LiquidContainer.java:26: error: cannot find s
public LiquidContainer(LiquidStack liquid, ItemStack filled, ItemStack e
mpty, boolean isBucket) {
symbol: class LiquidStack
location: class LiquidContainer
src\minecraft\forestry\api\liquids\LiquidManager.java:30: error: cannot find sym
public static LiquidContainer getEmptyContainer(ItemStack empty, LiquidS
tack liquid) {
symbol: class LiquidStack
location: class LiquidManager
#3 errors
== Recompiling server ==
Cleaning bin
'"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\bin\javac" -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -
source 1.6 -target 1....' failed : 1
src\minecraft_server\forestry\api\liquids\LiquidContainer.java:12: error: cannot
find symbol
public LiquidStack liquid;
symbol: class LiquidStack
location: class LiquidContainer
src\minecraft_server\forestry\api\liquids\LiquidContainer.java:26: error: cannot
find symbol
public LiquidContainer(LiquidStack liquid, ItemStack filled, ItemStack e
mpty, boolean isBucket) {
symbol: class LiquidStack
location: class LiquidContainer
src\minecraft_server\forestry\api\liquids\LiquidManager.java:30: error: cannot f
ind symbol
public static LiquidContainer getEmptyContainer(ItemStack empty, LiquidS
tack liquid) {
symbol: class LiquidStack
location: class LiquidManager
#3 errors
Press any key to continue . . .
The forestry API is giving you problems.
Unless you are building from a tag, we cannot guarantee that the code will compile...and even then, we only include the Forestry API...we are not responsible for it.
Of course, we cannot know about your development environment, but there are no special tools required to build this code.
Thanks for the quick response and I am building from this version of extrabiomesxl which mistaqur forked. He ported it to forestry 1.4.9 https://github.com/mistaqur/ExtrabiomesXL That's the link. Also, if there was a way to somehow remove the forestry api so it doesnt activate, I would do that too. Thanks
Ah...you should post your issue at that link so it can be addressed by @mistaqur if he chooses. Thanks.