


Amica: Metallurgy 2

AnonTheMouse opened this issue ยท 31 comments


Minor point for the backburner, but with plans to make Red Rock substitute for stone in most recipes, there would be need for the "Redrock Furnace" to work in Metallurgy 2 recipes, and possibly even for a "Redrock Crusher". Also, with the adjusted spawn heights for ores, we might want to include Red Rock ore blocks. No rush, but I notice nobody else has mentioned it, and in my opinion Metallurgy, ExtrabiomesXL, and Mystcraft pretty much go together to make the ultimate trifecta of exploration goodness.


Side note, Red Rock ores might be good to have either way, as high-altitude ore spawns could make a good reason to visit mountainous biomes.


I'd love to hear @Shadowclaimer opinion on this.

Shadow, do you have an API that would allow us to create versions of your ores, such as ore rich redrock? Do you have any interest in something like this?


You mean I have to read the OP...who does that? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Thanks @Shadowclaimer I'll take a look and see what we can do with it!


@Shadowclaimer We have an alternate stone called redrock...it would be cool if we had a way to tell you "If you are generating Hepatizon and you are replacing redrock instead of stone, please use this alternate block of ours." And also if we had an easy way to have our custom block drop your ore drops...

For instance, we would like to make a block that looks like ore embedded in red rock, rather than stone...

Or even if you had a way to use two pass rendering so that you could render your ores embedded in other materials...I know this is some work...but I mention it only in the case that you may have already been thinking in these lines...In such a case, we would tell your API "Use this background rock texture when you gen ores that replace a redrock block."

Also, if you currently only replace stone blocks, is there a way we could let you know that this block is also replaceable by ore. Do you use the Forge hook in Block for this functionality?


We do have an API available directly on our front page =P

http://adf.ly/DiSfB (Link)

In Metallurgy ores spawn at any height anyway, but the idea of rich veins and such is an interesting one. If there's anything you need from our API that isn't in there, let me know, we'll help you out in any way.


We were toying with such a system recently actually, well moreso
plotting/talking about it. We're wanting to implement some new stone veins
and were hoping we could just render the ore above the stone itself (there
are other mods that supposedly do it).

Anything beyond that technical-wise I'd have to bring in Keith, honestly
these days I'm mostly just design/art =/


Its definitely doable...and would be very cool.

Let me know what you guys decide.


Interesting ...

Does Metallurgy work well with either CoG or BoD?
(Custom Ore Gen, Better Ore Distribution).

(They use different ideas for the goal of making ores generate in localized
groups instead of uniformly random)


Marco (BoD) hangs out in our IRC, I think he's been working on
compatibility (Don't quote me on that) but I'm pretty sure its in the works.

On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 11:13 PM, keybounce [email protected]:

Interesting ...

Does Metallurgy work well with either CoG or BoD?
(Custom Ore Gen, Better Ore Distribution).

(They use different ideas for the goal of making ores generate in localized
groups instead of uniformly random)

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/167#issuecomment-9855420.


I'll PM you guys when I finish my Forge hooks for terrain gen...almost done! Working on Ore Gen now.


Sweet! Can't wait!

On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 11:46 PM, ScottKillen [email protected]:

I'll PM you guys when I finish my Forge hooks for terrain gen...almost
done! Working on Ore Gen now.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/167#issuecomment-9855734.


Actually, drop me and Keith a PM on the forums (shared so we can both see)
discussing the topic. We'd love to hear more about it just because of the
fact it'd benefit our future endeavors as well.


Apparently, this is what I do, lately. Pop in, mention something, get a ball rolling. ;D
Need to get a move on with my backlog, soon, but I'm going to be out of town later today. Anyways, glad to see this embraced so wholeheartedly. Metallurgy 2 is the biggest "more ores" mod I'm aware of, and my personal favourite besides. It'll be nice if we can get this working.


I love metallurgy too, especially the blocks you can make with the ingots...although even running 4 quarries in an abandoned mine while I am mining am unable to get enough ore to make anything more than like a weapon or armor. I love the crushers too but don't see a point to a redrock one since really the only difference between each of them is that they burn more efficiently. I think it would be more useful if each upgrade provide a higher amount of dust...although I still don't think that would give me even close to the amount of ingots to make the house I want. T.T

Anyway what I was going to say is although I love to mine and love Metallurgy, I wouldn't want to see any ores in Redrock. I think it would ruin the whole look of the biome to see any type of ore there. Ores already exist in almost every single place already....and with Metallurgy you can find it high up in mountain ridges, etc. And with the directions canyons are going to go with increased ore generation there, I just hate to see a beautiful biome like redrocks end up looking like everyplace else.


I don't know, the ore overlays wouldn't clash that badly with redrock
honestly. I can draw up some test artwork when I get home potentially to

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Annysia [email protected] wrote:

I love metallurgy too, especially the blocks you can make with the
ingots...although even running 4 quarries in an abandoned mine while I am
mining am unable to get enough ore to make anything more than like a weapon
or armor. I love the crushers too but don't see a point to a redrock one
since really the only difference between each of them is that they burn
more efficiently. I think it would be more useful if each upgrade provide a
higher amount of dust...although I still don't think that would give me
even close to the amount of ingots to make the house I want. T.T

Anyway what I was going to say is although I love to mine and love
Metallurgy, I wouldn't want to see any ores in Redrock. I think it would
ruin the whole look of the biome to see any type of ore there. Ores already
exist in almost every single place already....and with Metallurgy you can
find it high up in mountain ridges, etc. And with the directions canyons
are going to go with increased ore generation there, I just hate to see a
beautiful biome like redrocks end up looking like everyplace else.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/167#issuecomment-9874561.


Whatever we do here will be optional...people who want it can turn it on and people who don't can turn it off.


@Shadowclaimer - it's not that they would clash, it's that they are there period. I like how the red rocks look because they aren't studded with ores. Like I said, I love Metallurgy and the way the ores look....I just would hate to see the redrocks change from the pristine look they have now with nothing in them. To me it would just make it look like every other area then and ruin the effect of the biome. But that's just me.

@ScottKillen - I know :P you told me that. I just wanted to add my two cents worth since while I'm sure some people won't care either way...others would since it would change the look of the biome. It would be like adding ores to something like basalt or marble from RP. It would just look out of place.


I'm not going to lie, 90% of the conversation that's gone on in this thread
probably went right over my head, while I understand some of the basics,
its been a lot of technical speak and for someone who doesn't trifle with
the decorators and biome modification systems it was a bit much ;) I'm glad
to see you guys know way more than what you're doing though, its awesome.




Can't wait to see that! :) I love new blocks and can never have to many. You should totally do glass/stained glass ones too or maybe crystals. :P Will they be colors to match your blocks made from the ingots? That might give me an option to use the metal blocks as accents since I can't get enough to build with and the masonry ones to make the majority of the structure.

Don't feel bad. I don't code at all and don't understand most of what they talk about either :P Although if I ask Scott, he's nice enough to dumb it down to a level I can understand.




Here's the basics (note this is super super rough draft as this is a bit
down our development line)


Its pre-noise so they look really off, but the color gradient is pretty
spot on. Effectively they're just going to be large veins of various stones
(Limestone, Mudstone, Marble, Slate, Granite, Chalk, Gabbro, Serpentine,
and Cobaltite) that can be turned into the various stone bits for
color-grading and decorative purposes.

The issue we hit though was that the veins couldn't be too big or else
they'd void ore spawning in them, so if we can figure out a nice rendering
system for this, it'll benefit this project later because then our ores can
still spawn on this.




Ug.. never been a fan of Basalt/Marble.. they're just so.. clashing.


@Annysia Just wanted to document it here...so I wouldn't forget! ๐Ÿ˜


Me either :P I was just using them as an example. To stark for me. I prefer colors to black and white.

@ScottKillen you wouldn't forget...I would remind you.


I was fully intending a Metallurgy addition called Masonry eventually that
adds like 8 new stone types of various colors, so I was looking into an
overlay system myself and that's why I had you PM us both Scott, because
Keith could probably use any help he could get devising the system.




Is it possible that you could make the bricks resemble your existing blocks? I don't mean exactly like them...but more similar to them in texture and color? One of the reasons I like the bricks in your mod so much other than the colors, is that they look like they are actually made more from bricks rather than concrete blocks in size.


Well for Stone we're planning on keeping them more akin to the actual stone
bricks, I based my others on the Clay Brick texture.


Awww....they won't go with the other bricks then. But I do love your other ones alot, which is why I'm sad I can't make a house with them. To me the big bricks don't look like stone...they remind me more of concrete cinder blocks that are used around here for foundations of houses.

To me stacked stone looks like this:

Cinder Blocks: