New Biome idea's and missing config issuse
wolftheninja opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Hello I was sent here because I'm interested in participating in future development of extra biome xl but the only way I can contribute its with pixel art I'm not so good with coding in java yet but here is my current request for future development.
Currently there is no way to disable your mesa biome or vanilla biomes and since Spikitiger's Biome Selector has fallen off the map everyone that plays 1.4.2 and up can't get rid of unwanted biomes.
My ideas for new biomes is
Bamboo Forest: The trunks would grow close together no more then 5 or 6 apart and only have a small amount of leaves coming off them starting at 5 high.
The Dark woods: Trees would the appearance of the alpine trees but grow close together and everything in the biome would be nearly black with just the slightest visible green to it making it perfect for a Gothic sort of castle.
Thanks for the biome ideas!
Also, you can disable all Extrabiomes biomes, and vanilla biomes, in the configuration file: .minecraft/config/extrabiomes/extrabiomes.cfg
I would love to see a forest biome that is much closer to reality: if there is any section of ground that has light shining on it, there's a really good chance of a tree growing there, and definitely some kind of grass in any light 15 or 14 area left over. Dark areas should be not just common, but the norm; lit areas should be rare.
UNLIKE the twilight forest's dark forest biome, areas of sunlight are not non-existent; on "far" view you should see at least a few of them, maybe even on normal view you could expect to see one or two in each direction.
But I do mean mostly covered by foliage to the point of being dark. And, burnable.
(Lava proof leaves? Leaves that you can collect with your hands? That's not a leaf, that's a magical darkness field :-).
And I just realized how to do it:
- Generate a biome with tree coverage everywhere. If you find light coming down, plant another tree there.
- Once the entire biome is dark, fell a few trees. Change them from being up in the air to lying flat on the ground; change them to "deadwood logs" instead of "oak" or "pine", etc. A "deadwood" log does not support leaves, and can only be turned into sticks, not planks. (8 sticks per log).
- Decay any leaf not supported.
- Plant various types of grasses in any place with sky exposure 13 or better.
Textures are 16x to be compatible with the default...though you are welcome to also release a 32 x version.
Regarding biomes, please see this.
I'm currently working on the bamboo textures we use X32 right? and the issues with the config is there is at least 7 biomes missing from the config file here is a full list of the biomes you do have all biomes but all the Technical biomes are not included in your config and I would very much like to be able to turn off Ocean's, Frozen River, Beach, Frozen Ocean, Extreme Hills Edge and Hills I use to be able too with "Spikitiger's Biome Selector" but he isn't keeping up with updates and it now takes forever to gen a nice world...
0 Ocean
1 Plains
2 Desert
3 Extreme Hills
4 Forest
5 Taiga
6 Swampland
7 River
8 Hell
9 Sky
10 FrozenOcean
11 FrozenRiver
12 Ice Plains
13 Ice Mountains
14 MushroomIsland
15 MushroomIslandShore
16 Beach
17 DesertHills
18 ForestHills
19 TaigaHills
20 Extreme Hills Edge
21 Jungle
22 JungleHills