Recipe issues
AsparagusEduardo opened this issue ยท 14 comments
I tried to smelt red cobble into redrock, but it won't work. The recipe doesn't show in NEI and neither does the one for red bricks :/
Scott...I have tried it on the server...I can't see it in NEI although I can see the slab, stairs and wall. However someone else on the server checked and can see it just fine and is able to smelt it.
@Annysia thank you! and welcome back!
OK @MathirGIrelad I'll have to look at it tonight to see what I can come up with!
Ok, here's the pastebin link:
@ScottKillen Nope, they don't.
See if fixing the blockID conflicts helps:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 1005 is already occupied by
extrabiomes.module.summa.block.BlockLeafPile@ 1531abc when adding
The current version does not crash when blockID conflicts are encountered. This experiment has failed and has been adjusted for future builds.
@MathirGIrelad after you fix the blockID conflicts, please try it out again and if it isn't working, please repost the new log. One way to quickly tell if it is working is to create a world in creative mode and see if all of the items appear in the Extrabiomes tab.
@Rosethorns You mind confirming this if you have time. I'm at work. If not, I'll take a look when I get home tonight.
@MathirGIrelad Please also provide your Forge logs as described here, so we can have all of the information we may need. You can post your pastebin link to this thread.