Place biomes in a smarter way
ScottKillen opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Vanilla terrain gen code is ignorant of added biomes. Correct this problem so that biomes are smartly placed during terrain gen.
Maybe spruce up the code so that deserts and tundras don't get placed side by side? :P Maybe make a more realistic progression of biomes? from sea to grassy hills/plains to forest on the edge of a mountain to snowwy area/fountain to wasteland/dead treeish type are on the other side of the mountain to desert. To simulate how the moisture of a cloud would really be released?
@maruchan That is the plan...any specific combinations that we should have that may not be obvious?
Oasis's in the middle of deserts. Small ponds with a bit of a grassy beach and a tree or two.
Would be awesome.