Fir Log, Fir wood Planks, and other fir products not properly registered in Forge Ore dictionary
alexanderpas opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Environment Info:
- Minecraft Version: 1.4.6
- Extra Biomes Version: 3.8.0
- Modpack: Mindcrack Pack (FTB Launcher)
- Modpack Version: 7
Fir Log, Fir Wood Planks, Fir Wood Slab, Fir Wood Stairs are not registered in the Forge Ore dictionary properly, and can't be combined with other types of wood products in recipes.
In addition, there are several recipes that can't be created with fir logs at all (for example the normal chest to iron chest upgrade) as a result of Fir not being registered properly.
To be clear: we're talking about the quarter logs here.
Expected result:
Any wood type can be freely combined in any reciepe.
Actual Result:
Fir products can't be combined with other wood types in crafting reciepes.
- Minecraft Forge Wiki: How to use the ore dictionary
- Minecraft Forge Wiki: Common Oredict names
Thank you. You are probably not aware that I collaborated with CovertJaguar when he was adding wood to the OreDict. (In fact, the names are mine.)
at any rate, the wood is all registered properly here
It works for me (even Fir) in all of the mods that properly use the ore dictionary in their recipes, but many still do not use it correctly. If you have specific examples, please post them here and I will investigate further.
An example of an item not craftable with Fir Wood Planks would be the energy storage upgrade from IC2 (batbox does work however)
However, this could be a bug in IC2, since it seems to only accept all different vanilla types of wood.
IC2 stopped using the ore dictionary, which is why our wood doesn't work with their recipes. It does work with mods that use the ore dictionary as I just verified it on our server.
@Annysia IC2 does use the ore dictionary, but not for a handful of recipes for some reason (probably a bug they need to fix if this is not intentional, a simple change from Block.planks to "plankWood").
for example the normal chest to iron chest
This is a bug in IronChests - see cpw/ironchest#15
@alexanderpas I have discussed this with RichardG. He is aware that IC2 is not using the ore dictionary in this case.
@agaricusb Thank you for being proactive and submitting a fix to cpw!