just wondering
bkhsk8 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I have several friends that use this mod, and read this website, and have all been wondering when this big update you're talking about will actually happen. I don't know anything about coding, or how half this stuff works, but like I said in the other post that i did, i am willing to help in any way that I can, whether it be, re-designing some biomes to make them more aesthetically appealing (I am an artist, so I believe that's where I may be helpful), or anything else let me know. I mentioned some other biome ideas, and I was told that they are being worked on, but I never heard of them again, and was wondering if there was any progress on them. Can someone just give me an idea of whats going to be in this new update and when it will be finished. Thank You it is much appreciated.
@Annysia Excuse my asking, but how would I pm you, because I really don't understand.
If you click on my name in the forum thread it will take you to an option to PM me.
While Scott was still here he had talked about this on the thread when it was first made public. (If you use the search function on the thread you can find it.) From the beginning when v4 was first announced, he said that it was going to be several months before he would even be able to begin working on it...probably not until sometime this summer as he is a CPA and his busy time of year was basically from the first of the year until April 15th. It was said at that point we would continue to do bug fixes and keep the mod current to versions of minecraft but nothing new would be added until v4.
If you follow the thread, you will know that Scott retired a little over a month ago. About a week before he did that we had announced that the Underground Biome mod would be integrated into EBXL along with Forgotten Nature, which had been announced months ago. Exterminator Jeff, the author of Underground Biomes was already joining our team, but after Scott's retirement announcement, agreed to take Scott's place as the major code person for the team.
So, the past month and a half has seen the retirement of the person that had been doing the majority of the coding, Exterminator Jeff coming on and taking his place as well as a major update to Minecraft, to version 1.5.1. Exterminator Jeff is still familiarizing himself with our plans and code as well as keeping his mod going until the merge. I just spoke to the team over the weekend about putting together a timeline for v4 so we can all understand what needs to be done and put together a time frame for all of that taking place. Depending on when the members of the team get me the information needed to put the timeline together...I hope to have that done by the end of this week or next.
The rewrite will take some time as it is not only rewriting the code for EBXL but merging in UB and FN. In addition we will be using a completely new terrain generator as well as revamping existing biomes, adding new biomes, adding and remodeling existing trees and plants, just to name a few things. I am hoping we can keep with the "sometime this summer" time frame that Scott had originally announced, but until we have the timeline put together and see the scope of what needs to be done, we really can't say for sure.
If your suggestions for biomes were made on Github then they will still be there. Many of the things people have suggested on the thread were already things Scott and I had already been putting together in design documents that I have. Not all of our ideas are on Github as we want there to be some element of surprise for our players. If the ideas that someone suggested were something new, we asked for them to be put on Github so as we started to design v4 we would see if those ideas and suggestions could be worked into what the teams vision is for v4.
You mention you are an artist, if so can you do textures for Minecraft? We are looking for a texture person and if you are interested we would like to see some of your work. Please PM a sample of your work to me on the forum if this is something you can and would like to do and I will share it with the rest of the team.
If you haven't read the EBXL blog, you might want to check it out. There is a link on the OP of the thread. Thanks for your interest in the mod.