


Invisible Logs

chubbybasterd opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Big logs (like redwood,big oak logs..) are fully invisible
2013-04-11_21 33 55


In the future, please do not post this type of bug on Github...it belongs on our thread. This has been reported in the thread and a response given there. We ask for bugs to be reported there so that if others are having the same issue they can see what the response is or if it is something that has already been addressed they can also respond.

The issue appears to be Optifine settings that are turned up to high so if use a version that isn't so graphics intensive the will show up. However, the picture that you are showing, while it does include the tree, it is also missing other areas as well, and is generally the result of lag because of a combination of settings, optifine and my computer.. I have this happen quite a bit.