


ItemStack Wildcard changed in 1.5 from -1 to Short.MAX_VALUE

JLBShecky opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Presently all sub blocks are not being added to the forge ore dictionary or forestry integration. As such only the "Brown Autumn Sapling" is usable by other mods and most of the logs are not usable by railcraft.


I have been going through the code looking for every place where the old is used but as I am on the road at the moment I can't compile to test my changes or once I am done I'd issue a pull request.


Nice find! Are you going to doing a pull request or would you like me to see if I can find them also?


Think I tracked down all the occurances in the online fork but I don't have the tools setup on my laptop to validate the code, and until I get home I tonight and can check things out on my desktop I can't be sure if I missed something or not. Also not being able to build and test the code myself means that I haven't been able to track down the cause of the second version of the Autumn brown sapling showing up in nei, although it is probably related to the same issue.

I had originally thought that this was a forestry api issue as I couldn't seem to the saplings to work in the fermenter, but when I couldn't get the fir logs to work with railcraft or any other mod I started to wonder if it was something else. I accidentally turned on NEI's option to show the ore dictionary names and noticed a pattern, which I connected to the fact that NEI was causing NPE a couple versions back because of this api change so I took a moment to check it out.

Oh do you have an update in store for the updated forestry api with forestry I should be able to see about updating the api and doing a pull for that once I can test things on my end if you want.


Awesome! That would be great if you can! I'm struggling to find enough time to work on the new version of EBXL right now so that would be great if you are able to do that. We're actually looking for another coder to help out with that if you were interested? Feel free to say no of course! You sound like you have a good understanding of Forge and the MC code and ideally we'd like to have one more person


I could probably help out a bit, but at the moment the code on the git seems to be a bit out of date. According to mcmod.info it is 3.13.0, and I can't get it to compile without doing a hack due at the moment. ClientProxy line 21 is giving me issues at the moment, I think because there is not "import extrabiomes.Extrabiomes;" and even then it is complaining about the final statement.

I am a little rough on my java as it has been a couple years since I last touched it and It's taking a bit of getting used to eclipse but I've already put a few hours in attempting to get this to compile so I should be good to go after some sleep.

Issues compiling aside, I did get a "working" version corrected build up and running, with the corrected code. I had to disable the creative tab to get rid of the compile error, but all the mods blocks worked in forestry If I can get a version of ClientProxy that will compile correctly I can move on to working on making sure that it works with the latest version of forestry.


Okay I tried doing a bit more tracking down of my issues with creative tab and although mcmod.info says it is 3.13.0, referance.java says it is 3.13.1 so I am not sure if some maybe a commit got missed or something as I still haven't figured out if I am just setting up the environment wrong or if there is actually something wrong with the current commit.


Well I figured out what is going on now with the creative tab, and it seems to be being caused by moving creative tab registration to client side, during mod init. The id for the creative tab is not getting set until after all the blocks/items except for the scarecrow/log tuner are created. Since I know that the issue is not with my code or setup I'm going to do one last test build and then I should have my ore dictionary patch ready, and a pull request should go up.