Biome Ideas
Lorthremar opened this issue ยท 7 comments
I've never actually used GitHub before, so I don't know if this is the exact directory where to post these. I'm sorrry if I'm incorrect in my placing and will move this to wherever it is supposed to go.
Anyways, onto my ideas.
Pine Forest: Imagine huge pines (almost like taiga trees, but much bigger and obviously with different leaf patterns) with rolling hills and rivers flowing all throughout. If you've ever seen the Lord of the Rings, imagine the area where Boromir died. Those types of trees with huge rivers all around.
Forest Cave: Think about a cave. Now, imagine that cave after thousands and thousands of years of having a massive forest above it. That's what this biome would look like. Well, it'd have to be more like two biomes. The first would act as a border biome (if you've used Terrain Control (since it's getting added to Extra Biomes, I hope you have, heh), you'll know what I mean), while the second would be that actual forest cave. Massive trees sprouting out, with huge waterfalls spilling down from the tops of the world.
Tropical Islands: Oceans are boring; they really are. The main thing I don't like about them is that there's no middle-ground between continents and full-on-ocean. Adding little islands all throughout would definitely help with this. A tropical island would be just that; very wet islands, with jungle-wood (or some new type of wood) trees, cocoa beans, and occasionally volcanoes.
Lakes: Lakes would be more of a sub-biome to be honest, but I think they would make a great addition to regular terrain. In my opinion, there aren't enough sources of water in Minecraft. There are three main sources: rivers, little ponds, and oceans. I think that, if you add a variety of lakes to biomes, this would make things a lot more interesting.
Forest Mountains: Basically, imagine mountains (which are another biome that should definitely get added (if you need some great ideas for those, go to the terrain control forum and look at Burckhart's; they're absolutely amazing), but with forests so thick that you have to cut your way through them just to cross. Though, there should definitely be some diversity in the mountains; thick areas with plenty of forests, clearings, some trees, etc. Also, another thing that would be great to go along with these would be actual flowing waterfalls. If these waterfalls could connect to lakes, that would be absolutely incredible. This already works in FromImage, but if it worked without it then that would be just fantastic. Something like this (http://hdnaturepictures.com/mountain-forest-waterfall.html) would be absolutely perfect.
That's all I have for now. Just one other thing would be that this type of terrain
would be incredible, but obviously very hard to do. I'm getting very close to replicating it in TerrainControl, though.
Edit: For that image, I don't mean the mountains in the background; I just mean that forest with the lake (though, if mountains could work like that, that'd be incredibly.
Yes, this is exactly how and where you put your ideas and suggestions. =) Thanks for taking the time to do so.
Regarding the Pine Forest and Forest Mountains...In what way would they differ from the biomes we currently have with redwood and fir trees? Both are enormous trees and they are used in different settings from mountains and hills to snow. In v4 we will be adding a lot of new trees and plant life to our old biomes as well. If you could explain how this would be different so I can understand what you are talking about, that would help a lot.
Lakes we will be able to do much better than previously using the new Terrain Control in that we can place and size them and even choose their depths. I have lakes in my current world but they are not what I would like to see as a lake, so hopefully we can expand on that.
Forest Caves...interesting idea. We will be adding caves in v4 and have a few types in mind already, but we will take a look at your suggestion.
Tropical Islands...we are looking at adding more islands and they will be a variety of kinds including tropical.
If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please feel free to add them.
Thanks for sharing! These ideas look nice and well thought out! I'd love it if we were able to have mountains like in that picture but I don't think we'll manage that somehow ;)
@ExterminatorJeff I've seen this kind of stuff being done with TerrainGenerator before, and I recall a picture of a similarly styled mountain range being Scott's vision for V4. I thought this kind of thing was what we were working towards?
If those are the kind of terrain gens you guys are working towards, you might find it useful to increase the world height.
The new terrain generator that we will be using allows for that. You can read about all it can do here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/terrain-control/