2 ic2 incompat errors -Latest ic2 (curr 331_lf )
Midaychi opened this issue ยท 3 comments
search for: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ic2.api.Crops
This is actually fixable by going into extrabiomes/module/amica/ic2/IC2API.class and editing
line 27.
cls = Class.forName("ic2.api.Crops");
cls = Class.forName("ic2.api.crops.Crops");
I suck at compiling though (I just get invalid symbol errors) so I hex edited the .class in version ExtrabiomesXL-universal-1.5.2-3.13.1 instead. That worked, however it gave rise to this new error that Player is just saying is another incompatibility
When trying to pass biome info to ic2 crops:
I saw the post about this over on the ic2 bug tracker, but running 1.115.867 (the recommend forge as opposed to the latest forge build) I am unable to reproduce the error, but when I restart my test server later today I'll take a look and see if I can reproduce.
If I can get get it working then I'll see about anything that I can find.
IC2 compatibility has been fixed by patch #292. Public build 3.13.4 has the corrections applied.