


New Mushroom Biome Suggestion

Shavahi opened this issue ยท 29 comments


New Mushroom Biome:


Cave Mycelium: Spawns between layer 24 & 36. Emits level 1 light. Looks nearly identical to Mycelium, CM texture covers all faces of the block and can grow on vertical and inverted surfaces, as long as at least one face is touching an air block. If a mushroom or toadstool spawns Glowing Shroom is placed on a dirt block in level 8 or less light the block will change to CM. The CM spreads to any dirt block within one block above, to the side, or down in light 8 or less. CM allows all mushrooms (EXCLUDING Giants) to grow on any face touching an air block, this allows for mushrooms on walls & ceilings. New recipes could allow construction with giant mushroom stalks as wood/planks/sticks.

Glowing Shroom: Emits level 8 4 light.
Deathcap: Emits level 1 light, toxic if eaten, can be used to make poison arrows.
Fungal Vines: Emits level 1 light, not washed away by flowing water.
Filaments: Emits level 1 light, fungal version of Long Grass, 25% chance to drop a random mushroom.
Watercap: Emits level 1 light, fungal Lilypads.

Sheep can eat Mycelium & Cave Mycelium to regain Wool.
Cows<=>Mooshrooms: Cows eat Grass, M & CM like Sheep. Eating M or CM has a 25% chance of turning a Cow into a Mooshroom. Eating Grass has a 25% chance of turning a Mooshroom into a Cow. If a Cow is milked it must graze before being able to give milk again. If a Mooshroom is "milked" for mushroom stew it must also graze before it will be able to give stew again. Cows can now be milked with bottles & bowls, mooshrooms can now be "milked" with buckets & bottles.

I've been a lurker on the forums and a user of ExtrabiomesXL for a while now, and I must say I absolutely love it! Whether or not this idea is implemented either in part or in whole I still love what you all do to make this mod so wonderful!

*edited to restrict CM to level 8 light or less, added texture images etc.


This is a really cool idea! keep up the good work guys! =)


Caves are a feature we are planning. Google document is on the drive. Will be in a future release.


Thank you!

I like this idea, the only downside being the number of new blocks. The glowing shrooms sound magnificent.


Well, would it be more feasible to incorporate only the Cave Mycelium & Glowing Shroom blocks, and then revisit the others in a later update? I tend to envision these grand overarching concepts that may be more complicated than necessary!

Also, I was thinking this could actually be similar to the other spreading-type biomes in it's ability to take over a landscape. I imagine it would be more likely to spread at night/in low light levels with moderate to high humidity.


Possibly. I'll give it some thought!


I really like this idea as caves are pretty boring. I have to disagree with Rosethorns about the light level though. I think 1 or 2 is to low. I actually would want to walk into the area and see that there is something cool in there worth exploring. I don't think it should be bright, but it needs to be brighter than white mushrooms as I can barely see those. Maybe having different things give off a different amounts of light instead of it all being the same? For example have the fungal vines level 2 since it spreads out, but things such as the glowing shroom or water cap be 3 or 4.

What about adding things like stalactites and stalagmites to give it a more realistic look? Vines could be in the entrance areas as there would be enough light to support growth. Also would it be possible to add something like this mod did? http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/936394-110-phosphorus-caverns-modloader/. The developer got busy and it hasn't been updated since February. She said she'd give the code to someone if they wanted to keep it going. It would also go along with your thought about having organic light sources instead of manufactured. I also think your ideas would work well with the extra bees add on that is a part of the Forestry Bees. Maybe Bennie would make bees for this type of environment and the "flower" requirement would be the things mentioned in your 1st post.


Thanks @Annysia
I have send the author a PM.


Hmm, have you looked at Twilight Forest?

Plants that give off light, and have to hang from the roof.
Lighting bugs that can go in a jar.

I like the idea of phosphorus plants that give off enough light to see by, in small amounts.


Uurk, mod warning: Do not spam mystcraft cave worlds and skylands :-). Marble again!


I do have Twilight Forest installed and I like a lot of the things it has to offer (<3 lightning bugs and the ironwood items). The thing I don't like is having to go into another "dimension" to get to it. I find that I go there once or twice to get resources and then never go back. Where as if it were a biome I would use it all the time.


Heh. As a world, it has a few nice features. It's an alternative play style that I can use if I want to.

And, OMG, the mining ability in the hollow hills! I used to think Mystcraft's dense ores were excessive; this is even worse. But they are guarded.


I like TF, but I am like @Annysia it outgrows its usefulness, unless I decide to quest against the bosses...but they have been so buggy that I hesitate to make the time investment...and even then, the treasure (any treasure in Minecraft) really is a let down.


My original comments about the light were not that all mushrooms would be 1-2.
What I meant was that the giant mushrooms and special mushrooms like deathcaps would have a higher light level.

BUT the "grass" the filiment, and the wall moss would be 1-2 because there would be so much of it, AND combine that with the large or special mushrooms with the high light level you would have a decent but sufficiently gloom-like level to the cave.


Light level 1-2 is still really low.

If you can see in light level 0, at skylight 0 (no sun, no moon, no torch), then you have too bright of a monitor/display. And yes, I can turn my system gamma down / monitor brightness way up. That's as cheating as x-rays.

Safe assumptions:
Light level 0 is too dark to see
Light level 1 is barely distinct from 0.
Light level 3 is easily identifiable.

Light level 2 is somewhere between distinct and easy to identify; figure you can identify it with a little time looking.

My lighting test world: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5IJio6EJ3NBWmlWckFiejFmaW8/edit


I can generally tell the difference between 0-2. I agree that 1 is too low.
but 2 is quite distinct, on my monitor which is configured for color
correct viewing as I am a digital artist and animator.

On 18 September 2012 14:02, keybounce [email protected] wrote:

Light level 1-2 is still really low.

If you can see in light level 0, at skylight 0 (no sun, no moon, no
torch), then you have too bright of a monitor/display. And yes, I can turn
my system gamma down / monitor brightness way up. That's as cheating as

Safe assumptions:
Light level 0 is too dark to see
Light level 1 is barely distinct from 0.
Light level 3 is easily identifiable.

Light level 2 is somewhere between distinct and easy to identify; figure
you can identify it with a little time looking.

My lighting test world:

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/61#issuecomment-8637408.


Oh, I agree: I can tell 2 from 1, I can tell 1 from 0. That isn't the question.

On moody, I cannot tell 0 from 1, and I don't recall if I can tell 2 apart or not. But I don't use moody. I don't think Notch had a color corrected monitor, and I don't think he understood lighting much at all.

Rose, please do me a favor. Download that lighting world. If you have a color corrected monitor -- and I assume that means it's calibrated to some standard, and you have a well understood color managed workedflow -- then please tell me what in-game brightness values you have to use to get the lighting hallways to look smooth, light level 0 to look dark, light level 1 to look different from 0, and light level 3 easily identifiable.

That was the "goal" / "standard" that I choose to calibrate my in-game brightness levels to. My monitor is calibrated, as best I can, to Apple's standard -- but I actually don't know what that standard is. I calibrate "white" to either "apparent level of paper in roomlight at night", or "about the same as background light during the day", but I have no control over the dark/black levels. But I do know what values make those light tunnels look smooth, that lets me see "barely" at 1/2, and not at all at 0.


@Corilyn has provided the source code from her mod and agreed for it to be licensed as open source. Thanks, @Annysia for the suggestion! ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Oh that is awesome! =) It looks so amazing to walk into a cave and find this. It wasn't in every cave and when you do find it...it's not in the whole cave. Plus the ability to mine it and put it into other areas or combine it to make another color. I had only found that mod and had used it a short time before there was another MC update and she was to busy to continue it.


Oh those glowing ores are lovely!


Alright, I misread that at first. My big complaint about Cave Mycelium is just that it makes it too easy -- you can get it from any dirt plus mushroom.

At the very least, dirt + mushroom requires being in a mushroom biome to generate CM.


Hmm... well, my original thought was to have a mushroom biome that would have the ability to colonize caves. Caves are pretty lifeless at the moment, other than things trying to kill you anyway.

What if the dirt would only convert to Cave Mycelium if it was in light level 8 or less for more than one or two minecraft days? This would allow natural spreading in caves & shady areas. Perhaps there could also be a recipe for a CM "inoculant" that would then be placed on dirt to change it to CM.

Something like one red & one brown mushroom, one toadstool & one bonemeal in the crafting table = CM Inoculant.

Or perhaps only Glowing Shrooms facilitate conversion of dirt to CM, and they might only spawn naturally at a certain depth so you'd have to go spelunking for them.


Updated original post.


1.I think that Fungal Vines would actually be fungal moss and can spread sideways, although overall the spread would be much slower than vines.

  1. Scott I think this Biomes Idea posses a good challenge to the ideas of free biome features (like sakura groves) and would love to see at least a minor version of this in the future.
  2. I think the light generated by these mushrooms need to be lower, the cave should be dimly lit not glowing. By the same token I think that any cave flora should die in direct contact with sunlight, so bringing it to the outside world isn't going to happen.

Hmm... I originally had the Glowing Shrooms at level 4, then changed it to 8. I'll take it back down to 4. Everything else is level 1.


strangely enough, depending on how dense the smaller mushrooms grow I would say the light level there should be 2, normal mushrooms give off a light of 1 and it's barely noticeable.
Stuff like the vines/moss/filament on the other hand should definitely stay 1.


Perhaps the Glow Shrooms could stay at level 4 light but be relatively rare? I would like a few brighter spots in the caves that aren't lava or mineshaft torches. I also like the idea of organic light sources vs. manufactured. Them being rare might be better for balance anyway with the Glows being the method of propagating CM.


@Shavahi I see you have alrady made some changes based on @Rosethorns feedback.

I like the ideas here very much.


Not sure if anyone here has played with Thaumcraft, but the way that taint spreads when it hits a cave is much like the CM described here. It makes for a very interesting effect.

Sounds like a grand idea and I would love to see this implemented!


Sounds like an interesting idea. I would say, though, that CM should not be creatable, but rather should be like regular Mycelium and Grass in needing to be moved by Silk Touch or natural spread. The glow shrooms at the least, should share Netherwort's particularity in needing their appropriate block (CM) to be planted. Deathcaps should probably at least require regular Mycelium, due to their function as a combat advantage.