


Compilation of development for EBXL/ Ideas

Parker103 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


So I've been looking around for news and updates for EBXL since It's 8/23/2012 and 1.3.2 has been out for a little while.

  • I heard something about a 3.0 version?
  • I also saw some screenshots of some huge, epic mountains.

So I was wondering If there was a general way to keep track of developments since I want to be able to play this asap.

But overall, really nice job Scott, I can't wait till minecraft stops updating so I can have a solid and stable release of this mod for more then a month or so. xD

I feel like this mod could become a cornerstone for the typical modded minecraft enthusiast. EBXL + normal game content is already fantastic. I don't know what else could be done to make the mod better and at the same time not change the atmosphere surrounding it. Though, Like tekkit, It could be Its own stand alone server mod, for a more rugged/adventure/exploratory/vanilla-esque experience, IF there were perhaps a few more content updates, and even though I know there are much greater issues at hand, I cant help but throw in a few of my ideas:

  • Biome Specific Animals/Plants/Fish/Food/Ore. (Already Semi-Implemented with Emeralds in 1.3)
  • Explore-able Ruins/ Abandoned towns/ Abandoned cities. (More then just 5 simple houses and gravel roads.)
  • Actual realistic flowing landscapes. I would be absolutely blown away If this mod was able to generate waterfalls and rivers that flowed with the landscape instead of just long, flat, and stagnant pools/canals of water.
  • Biomes having more definition and relation to others around it. Such as Biome A can connect to Biome B and Biome C can connect to Biome D, But Biome A is not compatible with Biome D. This would create a more natural flow of biomes say, alpine was more vertical and could only connect to snowy rain forests, and snowy rain forests could only connect to redwoods and redwoods could only connect to pine forests and pine forests could only connect to taiga and taiga could only connect to meadows and ice wastelands and so on until every biome is potentially link-able through another, so exploring would be relative and grouped biomes, such as those with snow in them would take up larger areas of map so one could be completely immersed their preferred surroundings.

I feel like the last idea is the most prominent. Just ideas though. ^_^

Thanks for reading.



Thanks for sharing your ideas.
A few points:

  • The third idea is actually a duplicate of issue #22.
  • The second idea is planned as a feature barring limitation in vanilla Minecraft. It is actually these limitations that make this difficult to do well...and if it cannot be done well, it will not be done.
  • Per the first idea, I doubt this mod ever introduces animals, fish, or ores as there are already many mods that do this well. In the case of ores, useless ores are frustrating. Useful ores require recipes and items and tech trees to make them interesting.
  • We will introduce new plants and perhaps new food as new planned biomes are implemented that provide opportunities for such. Even so, there are many mods that do this well also, and as long as they are compatible, this will not be a priority.