


Allow vanilla temples to be built in custom biomes

ScottKillen opened this issue ยท 17 comments


From #55.

Add our biomes to the spawning biomes for vanilla temples.

๐Ÿ“Ž Currently requires an FML change.


has the update to FML happened?


It has and this will be available in ExtrabiomesXL 4


Hmm, and XComp has mentioned that his villagers now have homes ...


I am very jazzed about this. Just saying.


Will this be resolved with MC v 1.6.3? If not, as the update has happened to FML some time ago can we go ahead and get this working?


When/If Extrabiomes begins using a custom worldtype (ala BWG or BoP) then the capability will be available. Or...an event can be added to MapGenStructure as a part of MinecraftForge/FML to provide a hook to change the allowed biomes where temples (Desert and Jungle) can spawn.

Currently, using the vanilla world types, this is not possible.

The FML update I referred to above was the code to allow custom world types.


No, 1.6.3 and 1.6.4 were for fixing a structure generation defect in 1.6.X maps for the eventual 1.7 update.


Ok. I thought that Shecky said it was making that possible. It looks like 7 months ago Scott commented that FML had updated and it was now possible. If so, can we make this happen?


I didn't say it wasn't possible, just that 1.6.3/4 update didn't have anything to do with this ;)


So for now, it's either requiring further changes on Forge side, or waiting until EBXL4, correct?


Probably not until v4 if it will require a world type. We are trying to keep from adding anything to v3 that would break worlds. There has been a lot of discussion about using our own world type and I think that is the direction we are leaning, but it's still up in the air.


This is similar #126, if I get that fixed, I /may/ be able to take care of this as well.


If I may propose an extension to this, is it possible for us to add new elements to generation code? Both mineshafts and strongholds (as well as Nether fortresses) are assembled from a library of room types. So, what about adding new rooms that the lists can call on, especially using our new blocks? Additionally, how about adding random elements to other structure types. Like mineshaft corridors using "Bunyan Logs"...or, for an example of both, jungle temples with rooms that contain a quicksand pit for the player to find a way past (or tar rooms for other structures).

Or, even simply letting some EBXL elements generate in appropriate places, like the sand and dust cover we've discussed on the other boards dotting the floors.


Best we can do is try. I'd imagine we wouldn't be the only mod with an interest in hooks for it, though, given the number of mods out there that add more dungeon-style structures.


@AnonTheMouse doable, but requires even more FML changes--which may not be accepted.


Agreed. Request it.

Being able to enhance the rooms generated for a given structure is a really good idea. As an example, Mystcraft wants to be able to generate libraries containing books with symbols, and it's difficult to extend either strongholds or villages currently.

Equally: Request a way to add to chests generated. Maybe you want to add to the chest in a village smithy. Maybe you want to create chests of books in a village library. Maybe you want to add to chests found in strongholds or dungeons.

Heck, now that I think of it, I'm not sure I've seen a chest in a nether fortress yet, and I'm sure that people would want mods that add to NF's and add reward chests in the NF.


If there were a way to plus-rep a comment here, I would definitely give you one, @keybounce