Extreme Apocalypse

Extreme Apocalypse


Extreme Apocalypse aims to make the game a lot more challenging by adding lots of new mobs, some of which have special abilities such as spawning phantoms when hit or angry ducks which is also a new mob.

list of the mobs and their abilities 

Ghouls: they resemble zombies in many ways but are still slightly different because they can spawn with shovels, axes, and even swords and armor. They are very slow with low damage and health. Abilities: they have a chance to spawn silverfish when they are destroyed.

Wraiths: a wraith is a type of ghost that wields an axe in its right hand and a bone in its left. It is very fast with high damage and low health. They have no abilities which makes up for their strong stats. 

Marauders: heavily inspired by Vikings, the Marauders wield axes, swords, bows, and even torches. They are very fast with high damage and medium health. Abilities: Marauders with torches will light you on fire when they hit you.

Psycho Duck Man: the psycho duck man has a obsession with ducks, almost as much as the creator of this mod. He wields a dagger which you can craft with a stick and two iron nuggets. He is very fast with medium damage and high health. Abilities: when attacked has a chance to spawn an angry duck.

Angry Duck: they obsessively obey the psycho duck man and it makes them very angry when you hit their master. They are super fast with very low damage and health. Abilities: they quack very loud over and over to drive you to insanity.

Bane Knight: the bane knight is like the psycho duck man but with phantoms, and a little more chill. that doesn't mean he wont attack you though, he wields a sword and shield. they are medium speed with high health and medium damage. abilities: when hit they have a chance to spawn a phantom.

 Feaster: the feaster has rubbery skin making it verry tough. they are slow with very high health and medium damage. abilities: when contact is made they will grab you, making it so you cant move.

but you can jump repetitively to escape its clutches.

cyborg pig, the cyborg pig is a half cute little piggy, half robot terminator. it is verry fast with a insane amount of health and verry high damage. abilities, I don't think it needs to be more powerful

Half Ender: the half ender is a half human half Enderman, though you don't need to look in its eyes for it to be angry. it is medium speed, with low health and medium damage. weaknesses: they will take damage while in water but will still follow you into it.

Mutated Zombie: the mutated zombie is a half Enderman half zombie. it is slow with medium health and medium damage. weaknesses: they will take damage while in water but will still follow you into it.

Lizard Mutant: this grumpy lizard man is not to fond of people. it is slow has a lot of health and does a ton of damage,

Frost Revenant: used to be a human, didn't believe anyone when they said that licking a metal pole in a snowstorm was bad news. wields a sword. has medium speed, has a lot of health and does medium damage.

Dark Mage: they're the ones who started all the monster havoc in the first place. wields a magic spell tome. they have medium speed medium health and very high damage. abilities: the can cast magic purple orbs from their spell tomes that explode on impact.

note: Extreme Apocalypse is not recommended for casual experiences as it will turn your world into pure chaos.