Extreme Reactors

Extreme Reactors


Radioactivity and Power Production

GuitarLamp opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I'm currently using the 2.4.4 version for 1.21 on the All the Mods 10 pack

On both a my own locally hosted server with a few friends and on a singleplayer test world I'm seeing an issue where extreme reactors radioactivity is locked at 100% where I'm sure it usually goes well above that with large reactors. On top of that I'm using a 10x10x8 reactor with 18 fuel rod stacks and only getting about 40k RF/t even with various different configurations of position and materials which seems very atypical for extreme reactors behavior. I don't see anything in the configs that would change the values of power generation either.


If you are talking about the "Fuel Reactivity" value in the controller GUI then no, it can't go over 100% (it's the percentage of fuel present in the fuel rods over the amount of fuel+waste)


You can change power production with this config options:
general \ powerProductionMultiplier
reactor \ reactorPowerProductionMultiplier
turbine \ turbinePowerProductionMultiplier