Extreme Reactors

Extreme Reactors


GUI not showing internal storage max size properly for reactor.

TheDarkPreacher opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Version: ExtremeReactors-1.16.4-2.0.21
ZeroCore Version: ZeroCore2-1.16.4-2.0.19
Modpack: Direwolf20 1.16, version 1.6.1

I have a 3x3x5 reinforced reactor on my server, and it says the max internal storage is 1MFE, but it says that starting at about 88% storage. Using a CC:Tweaked computer and a LUA script to control the reactor, I found out that the internal buffer was 1.35MFE. It seems that the display cuts off the decimal places in the reactor GUI.


Thank you for the report. I've fixed it in dev. If will be out on the next release (of Zero CORE 2)