Extreme Reactors

Extreme Reactors


Emit a pulse signal will trigger twice

beiai opened this issue · 4 comments


Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
forge: 36.0.42

When I use [Increase on pulse/Decrease on pulse] in the redstone port, the value in the Reactor/Turbine changes twice
It seems that all pulse have the same problem?


I've checked it and I've got only one change per pulse. Keep in mind that a "pulse" is a change in redstone state. So if you are, for example, turning a lever on and the off (or viceversa) you are sending two pulses.


Ok, I get it now, thanks!


You are welcome


a "pulse" is a change in redstone state. ... turning a lever on and the off (or viceversa) you are sending two pulses.

The minecraft wiki for what a redstone pulse is would like to disagree, a pulse is a signal state change then reversion to its original state. For a lever, turning it on then back off is a single pulse with the length of however long it was on, assuming initial state was off. Opposite (off then on) is also a pulse, though rarely used.


The behavior you describe is also inconsistent with the behavior of the BR redstone port where pulses worked off the rising edge. One of two correct behaviors with a pulse (other being activation on falling edge).
