Extreme Reactors

Extreme Reactors


Active/Passive NEEDS better explaination in the manual!

jgilmore opened this issue ยท 2 comments



I hate that active/passive is a thing at all. Is there no workaround?

  1. New ports (fluid and rf both) are set to passive.
  2. If there's no activity after 18 ticks, switch to active.
  3. Same could be done for inlet/outlet mode, switching back and forth until there's activity, then locking the port's mode. This would avoid the odd "build both, destroy one to set modes, destroy the other to set modes" situation described below.

If you're GOING to have the active/passive thing, please explain that as best you can in the manual. In particular, you should note that when placing turbine/reactor pair next to eachother, they MUST be active/passive pairs, and the following work around applies:

  1. Build one, set the active one to outlet
  2. Build the other
  3. destroy the first to set the active to outlet DO NOT destroy the active on the first.
  4. rebuild the second

I mention the manual changes mostly to highlight what a pain worrying about game internals is for players, not because it's a serious suggestion. If built according to the manual, things should just work, however suboptimally. Having to jump through hoops an spend hours experimenting to find a setup that works AT ALL is probably not the design you intended.

Also, IMHO the bucket/energy ratio needs drastic revision. 2000mb/t is enough for quite a bit of power, but NO pipe system is designed for sustaining that kind of throughput. It might be more reasonable to cut a zero (or two!) off that, and make the max 200mb/t, while keeping the energy levels the same (i.e. generated power is the same, less coolant is needed & less coolant transport is needed. Won't affect pairs next to eachother, but makes piping it a more workable thing to do without requiring infinite throughput pipes. I could be off! After all, I can't get it to work AT ALL reasonably because the reactor is eating ALL returning coolant. But that wouldn't be a complete kibosh on my turbine plans if the coolant flow requirements were lower and I could use non-infinite pipes. My modpack doesn't include AFAICT anything with infinite throughput pipes.


Could you give me an example of what's not clear in the manual about how active and passive parts works? There is a page dedicated to how they works (basically it all boils down to "active ports do the transfer / passive ports just wait for something else to do the transfer")

As for the pipes, you can have more than one fluid ports in your Reactors and Turbines