Extreme Tools

Extreme Tools


Extreme tools adds one set of new tools and armor to your survival 1.17.1 world Currently the only thing this mod has is custom armor and a custom sword,

When holding sword in hand you will be given the effect STRENGTH 2

When wearing the Extreme Helmet you will be given effect haste 2

When wearing Extreme Chestplate you will be given effect strength 1

When wearing Extreme Leggings you will be given effect Fire_Resistance 1

When wearing Extreme boots you will be given effect Speed 1

Here is a screenshot of the crafting receipt for the armor


Added Tools aswell, With custom recipe's the stick needed to craft these items are here


You'll need one blaze rode with a regular stick, 

the tools are craftable with 2 extreme sticks and diamonds

Added a new mob named Crazy Skelly, runs at 0.4 speed (pretty fast) its a dangerous mod that spawns during the day and night, aswell in caves, its made to make the vanilla experience a bit more exciting

Crazy Skelly Currently takes away 5 hearts with each hit, if not wearing armor, here is a photo of him !


heres a video of the 1.0.0 version of the mod


more to come soon any ideas are welcomed!!,