- 0
the emerald furnace doesn't smelt modded ores
#43 opened by PugsBeGaming203 - 0
Not an issue but can we get a classic texture pack for this
#44 opened by HeavilySus - 0
Not an sure if its an issue but can we get a classic texture pack for this?
#45 opened by HeavilySus - 0
Fuel usage issue 1.19.2
#46 opened by someonedeepintheinternet - 0
#47 opened by discontinuity-dev - 0
update 1.19.3 versiyon
#48 opened by Rogenar - 0
First Instance of Dupe is always guranteed, allowing for a exploit.
#49 opened by ConqAra - 0
1.19.3 versiyon
#50 opened by Rogenar - 0
Furnaces don't give EXP
#52 opened by FatQuickscope41 - 0
[Suggestion] Blast Furnaces
#53 opened by moshner - 0
#54 opened by Pomalc - 0
Furnace advancements
#6 opened by Draylar - 1
Crash at launch. 1.14.2 fabric Atlauncher is used.
#7 opened by Sageking10 - 2
Crash When Placing Furnace from Above
#9 opened by Rahmiel - 0
allow recipes to be added to each furnace via JSON recipes
#10 opened by Nathan22211 - 3
Suggestion - Specialized Furnaces
#11 opened by Rahmiel - 0
Idea: Dyed glass furnaces or dye processing furnaces.
#13 opened by NolanSyKinsley - 0
#14 opened by Yoghurt4C - 0
Blocks are placed when interacting with Furnaces
#16 opened by Draylar - 3
Balance Options
#18 opened by DanShu15 - 2
Fabric Furnaces 1.3.0 for MC 1.16.1 doesn't read config, overwrites changes with defaults.
#19 opened by JillSwift - 1
can't craft the new furnaces
#21 opened by LonelyMusicDisc - 1
Translated into Russian
#22 opened by Miros77 - 1
Furnaces don't emit light
#23 opened by Draylar - 0
Any furnace disappears upon mining
#25 opened by Kida317 - 1
#26 opened by K0-RR - 1
Build error in BaseFurnaceEntity
#27 opened by Pyroglyph - 1
Can't work well with 1.16.5
#28 opened by ArchmageTony - 1
Fabric Furnaces Turning into ladders?
#29 opened by Jelxys - 0
Server crashing - ticking player entity
#30 opened by Kamisoi - 0
Over feeding furnace with hopper ejects extra coal.
#32 opened by ionstorm66 - 0
Diamond is a downgrade (potential visual bug)
#33 opened by skylorbeck - 0
[1.17] Furnaces Randomly Stop Smelting Specific Raw Metals
#35 opened by VaelophisNyx - 0
1.17 Furnaces take forever to mine
#36 opened by MunchyG - 4
Vanilla furnace breaks fabric furnace
#38 opened by cosmoderp